Viewing the logbook of: JeanMichelSmith
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 625.6581.
1999-07-24 1999-07-24N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KPWK1.11.11.11Flgiht w/ Jeanne & Friend to Wheeling for concertN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KPWK1.11.11.11108.5Flgiht w/ Jeanne & Friend to Wheeling for concert
1999-07-24 1999-07-24N6708R (BE-23)KPWK-KCGX-KBMI2. sister & 2 friends ride back via Chicago lakeshoreN6708R (BE-23)KPWK-KCGX-KBMI2. sister & 2 friends ride back via Chicago lakeshore
1999-07-24 1999-07-24N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. fuel in BMI, then return to MDW at 3:00 AMN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. fuel in BMI, then return to MDW at 3:00 AM
1999-07-25 1999-07-25N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMDW1. GivensIFR: NDB intercept and hold, NDB tracing, VOR2 GYY, NDB DK B x 2N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMDW1. GivensIFR: NDB intercept and hold, NDB tracing, VOR2 GYY, NDB DK B x 2
1999-07-30 1999-07-30N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KPIA2. GivensIFR: X/C ILS 13 PIAN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KPIA2. GivensIFR: X/C ILS 13 PIA
1999-07-30 1999-07-30N6708R (BE-23)KPIA-KMDW1. GivensIFR: X/C ILS 31 MDWN6708R (BE-23)KPIA-KMDW1. GivensIFR: X/C ILS 31 MDW
1999-08-01 1999-08-01N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.70.71Moved plane to hangarN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.70.7138.6Moved plane to hangar
1999-08-05 1999-08-05N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW1.61.62VPZ for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW1.61.62112.5VPZ for fuel
1999-08-06 1999-08-06N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-05C-KGYY-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor 8 05C, ILS 30 GYY x 2, NDB 30 GYY, Partial Panel, holdsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-05C-KGYY-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor 8 05C, ILS 30 GYY x 2, NDB 30 GYY, Partial Panel, holds
1999-08-08 1999-08-08N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIGQ-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor A IGQ x 2, Intersection hold, VOR holds, missed approachesN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIGQ-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor A IGQ x 2, Intersection hold, VOR holds, missed approaches
1999-08-08 1999-08-08N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.61Return plane to hangarN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.6138.6Return plane to hangar
1999-08-14 1999-08-14N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.70.71N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.70.7138.6
1999-08-14 1999-08-14N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KLCL-KMDW2. GivensIFR: NDB 30 GYY, ILS 31 MDW, unusual att., steep turns, DME arcsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KLCL-KMDW2. GivensIFR: NDB 30 GYY, ILS 31 MDW, unusual att., steep turns, DME arcs
1999-08-20 1999-08-20N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-C20-KVPZ-KMDW2.12.11Overflight at C20 and MGC, Refueled at VPZN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-C20-KVPZ-KMDW2.12.11147.7Overflight at C20 and MGC, Refueled at VPZ
1999-08-21 1999-08-21N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-58C1.11.11.11N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-58C1.11.11.1187.9
1999-08-22 1999-08-22N6708R (BE-23)58C-KMDW1.11.11.11N6708R (BE-23)58C-KMDW1.11.11.1187.9
1999-08-25 1999-08-25N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA0. GivensIFR: ILS 1L DPAN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA0. GivensIFR: ILS 1L DPA
1999-08-25 1999-08-25N6708R (BE-23)KDPA-KJOT0. GivensIFR: VOR 12 circle-to-land 30N6708R (BE-23)KDPA-KJOT0. GivensIFR: VOR 12 circle-to-land 30
1999-08-25 1999-08-25N6708R (BE-23)KJOT-KMDW0. GivensIFR: ILS 4R MDWN6708R (BE-23)KJOT-KMDW0. GivensIFR: ILS 4R MDW
1999-08-27 1999-08-27N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIKK-KMDW1.31.31IKK for fuel, 7 mi vis, haze, light turb., HOT!N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIKK-KMDW1.31.3186.3IKK for fuel, 7 mi vis, haze, light turb., HOT!
1999-08-27 1999-08-27N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KARR-KDKB-KMDW2. GivensIFR: VOR 12 JOT, ILS 9 ARR, NDB DKB, DME arcsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KARR-KDKB-KMDW2. GivensIFR: VOR 12 JOT, ILS 9 ARR, NDB DKB, DME arcs
1999-08-31 1999-08-31N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCMI1.31.31.316500' smooth ride, excellent vis above haze layerN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCMI1.31.31.31107.76500' smooth ride, excellent vis above haze layer
1999-08-31 1999-08-31N6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KBMI0.70.70.71stopped at BMI for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KBMI0.70.70.7139.4stopped at BMI for fuel
1999-08-31 1999-08-31N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. at low alt coming into ChicagoN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. at low alt coming into Chicago
1999-09-04 1999-09-04N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA-KGYY-KMGC-KMKG2.32.32.32Stopped at DPA for sectionalN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KDPA-KGYY-KMGC-KMKG2.32.32.32183.7Stopped at DPA for sectional
1999-09-04 1999-09-04N6708R (BE-23)KMKG-KMGC-KGYY-KMDW1.71.71.71N6708R (BE-23)KMKG-KMGC-KGYY-KMDW1.71.71.71137.3
1999-09-06 1999-09-06N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KBMI1.21.21.21Off to visit Jeanne, bumpy below 4500'N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KBMI1.21.21.2194.7Off to visit Jeanne, bumpy below 4500'
1999-09-06 1999-09-06N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1.31.31.31N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1.31.31.3194.7
1999-09-08 1999-09-08N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KEOK2. at 10500'N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KEOK2. at 10500'
1999-09-08 1999-09-08N6708R (BE-23)KEOK-KBMI1. at BMI, Flight follwing from PIA, cruised at 7500'N6708R (BE-23)KEOK-KBMI1. at BMI, Flight follwing from PIA, cruised at 7500'
1999-09-08 1999-09-08N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. to Chicago at 5500', nice flightN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. to Chicago at 5500', nice flight
1999-09-11 1999-09-11N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW1.51.52Goofing off, landed VPZ for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KMDW1.51.5278.1Goofing off, landed VPZ for fuel
1999-09-12 1999-09-12N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIND2. GivensIFR: Loc 23, ILS 23 INDN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KIND2. GivensIFR: Loc 23, ILS 23 IND
1999-09-12 1999-09-12N6708R (BE-23)KIND-KIKK1. GivensIFR: Vor 22 IKK, Vor intercept and trackN6708R (BE-23)KIND-KIKK1. GivensIFR: Vor 22 IKK, Vor intercept and track
1999-09-12 1999-09-12N6708R (BE-23)KIKK-KMDW0. GivensIFR: ILS 31 MDWN6708R (BE-23)KIKK-KMDW0. GivensIFR: ILS 31 MDW
1999-09-18 1999-09-18N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.61Returned plane to hangar prior to leaving townN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.6138.6Returned plane to hangar prior to leaving town
1999-10-17 1999-10-17N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KPWK-KBMI-KPWK-KMDW4., picked up Eliz @ PWKN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KPWK-KBMI-KPWK-KMDW4., picked up Eliz @ PWK
1999-10-25 1999-10-25N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KLOT-KMDW0.90.90.42LOT for Leslie's Instrument Practical Exam lectureN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KLOT-KMDW0.90.90.4237.6LOT for Leslie's Instrument Practical Exam lecture
1999-10-31 1999-10-31N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCGX-KMKE-KMDW1.91.91.91Flying around Chicago and MilwaukeeN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCGX-KMKE-KMDW1.91.91.91144.6Flying around Chicago and Milwaukee
1999-11-14 1999-11-14N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KDLL-KMDW4. with Pete. VPZ for fuel, Wisconsin Dells for dinnerN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KDLL-KMDW4. with Pete. VPZ for fuel, Wisconsin Dells for dinner
1999-11-19 1999-11-19N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN1.91.91.92VPZ for fuel, moved plane into hangar, windy!N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN1.91.91.92112.5VPZ for fuel, moved plane into hangar, windy!
1999-11-24 1999-11-24N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.90.90.91Engine reluctant to start. Beautiful moonlight over lake.N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.90.90.9135.8Engine reluctant to start. Beautiful moonlight over lake.
1999-11-25 1999-11-25N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI2.42.42.41Fun left climbout over city, 270 around MDW, then directN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI2.42.42.41102.0Fun left climbout over city, 270 around MDW, then direct
1999-11-25 1999-11-25N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. Liesl, Jane E etc flying then headed homeN6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. Liesl, Jane E etc flying then headed home
1999-12-07 1999-12-07N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.70.70.71Windy, light turb.N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.70.70.7138.6Windy, light turb.
1999-12-29 1999-12-29N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.70.70.71Windy, mod turb over lake and on final, great x-wind landing!N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX0.70.70.7135.8Windy, mod turb over lake and on final, great x-wind landing!
1999-12-30 1999-12-30N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI-KMDW2. for late xmas, nice tailwind, low ceiling, smooth rideN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI-KMDW2. for late xmas, nice tailwind, low ceiling, smooth ride
1999-12-31 1999-12-31N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1.11.11.11Y2K Flight over lakefront. Extreme traffic, cool fireworks.N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1.11.11.11Y2K Flight over lakefront. Extreme traffic, cool fireworks.
2000-01-01 2000-01-01N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.61Put plane in hangarN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.6138.6Put plane in hangar
2000-01-15 2000-01-15N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KBMI1.91.91Down to VMI to visit Jeanne, Leila, Jyoti, Lynn & kidsN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KBMI1.91.91126.1Down to VMI to visit Jeanne, Leila, Jyoti, Lynn & kids
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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