Viewing the logbook of: JeanMichelSmith
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 625.6581.
1999-05-09 1999-05-09N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KMGC-13C2.32.32.31Checked out 13C, cash/check only for fuel, so continued onN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KCGX-KGYY-KMGC-13C2.32.32.31205.5Checked out 13C, cash/check only for fuel, so continued on
1999-05-09 1999-05-09N6708R (BE-23)13C-42C0.60.60.61Checked out grass strip, opted for 42C for lunch insteadN6708R (BE-23)13C-42C0.60.60.6123.1Checked out grass strip, opted for 42C for lunch instead
1999-05-09 1999-05-09N6708R (BE-23)42C-KMGC-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN-KCGX2.42.42.42Dropped Val at UGN before heading back downtown.N6708R (BE-23)42C-KMGC-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN-KCGX2.42.42.42236.5Dropped Val at UGN before heading back downtown.
1999-05-10 1999-05-10N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KMKE1.71.71.71Stopped for fuel at FPZN6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KGYY-KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KMKE1.71.71.71142.1Stopped for fuel at FPZ
1999-05-10 1999-05-10N6708R (BE-23)KMKE-KMDW1. night return, moderate turbulance west of loop, landed 13CN6708R (BE-23)KMKE-KMDW1. night return, moderate turbulance west of loop, landed 13C
1999-05-11 1999-05-11N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.61Took off on 13R, barely beat storm out!N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.60.6138.6Took off on 13R, barely beat storm out!
1999-05-24 1999-05-24N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KBMI1.41.41.41Bumpy. Lousy landing at BMI.N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KBMI1.41.41.41126.1Bumpy. Lousy landing at BMI.
1999-05-24 1999-05-24N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1. (BE-23)KBMI-KMDW1.
1999-05-26 1999-05-26N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ0.70.71N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ0.70.7139.0
1999-05-26 1999-05-26N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX0.70.71N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX0.70.7137.7
1999-05-27 1999-05-27N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI1.21.21.21N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KBMI1.21.21.21102.0
1999-05-27 1999-05-27N6708R (BE-23)KBMI-KCGX1. (BE-23)KBMI-KCGX1.
1999-06-05 1999-06-05N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KMGC0.60.61N6708R (BE-23)KCGX-KMGC0.60.6136.5
1999-06-05 1999-06-05N6708R (BE-23)KMGC-KRFD-KGYY-KMGC-D87-KMCD3.23.23.23Landed RFD for sectionals, D87 for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KMGC-KRFD-KGYY-KMGC-D87-KMCD3.23.23.23483.5Landed RFD for sectionals, D87 for fuel
1999-06-05 1999-06-05N6708R (BE-23)KMCD-KISQ-2P2-KMTW-KMKE-KMDW4. over Washington IslandN6708R (BE-23)KMCD-KISQ-2P2-KMTW-KMKE-KMDW4. over Washington Island
1999-06-06 1999-06-06N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.50.51N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KUGN0.50.5138.6
1999-06-17 1999-06-17N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.70.71Clear, perfect vis to the horizon. Mediocre approach to 4LN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KMDW0.70.7138.6Clear, perfect vis to the horizon. Mediocre approach to 4L
1999-06-18 1999-06-18N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCMI1.41.41.41Took Kendall and Charmaine to U of I for Dinner, Ultralight busts MDW Class C airspace (visual contact dead ahead!)N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KCMI1.41.41.41107.7Took Kendall and Charmaine to U of I for Dinner, Ultralight busts MDW Class C airspace (visual contact dead ahead!)
1999-06-18 1999-06-18N6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KMDW1. ride back at 5500', crescent moon, crystal clear night.N6708R (BE-23)KCMI-KMDW1. ride back at 5500', crescent moon, crystal clear night.
1999-06-19 1999-06-19N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-58C1.21.21.21First ever landing on grass strip! Weekend in Jana, WIN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-58C1.21.21.2187.9First ever landing on grass strip! Weekend in Jana, WI
1999-06-20 1999-06-20N6708R (BE-23)58C-KMDW1.21.21.21First true short field takeoff, flew along river at 500' AGLN6708R (BE-23)58C-KMDW1.21.21.2187.9First true short field takeoff, flew along river at 500' AGL
1999-06-22 1999-06-22N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ0.70.71VFR: Haze, 4mi vis.N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KVPZ0.70.7139.0VFR: Haze, 4mi vis.
1999-06-22 1999-06-22N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN0.80.81MVFR: Mist and HazeN6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KGYY-KCGX-KUGN0.80.8173.5MVFR: Mist and Haze
1999-06-25 1999-06-25N6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KDPA-KMDW1.01.02Stopped at DPA for sectionalsN6708R (BE-23)KUGN-KDPA-KMDW1.01.0258.7Stopped at DPA for sectionals
1999-06-26 1999-06-26N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMGC-KDET2.42.42.41Beautiful VFR at first, threatening clouds in MI but no rainN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMGC-KDET2.42.42.41220.7Beautiful VFR at first, threatening clouds in MI but no rain
1999-06-29 1999-06-29N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-KCGX-KMDW1.51.52Sightseeing flight for funN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC-KCGX-KMDW1.51.5286.3Sightseeing flight for fun
1999-07-01 1999-07-01N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1. GivensIFR Orientation: Rate, climbs/desc., const. + power climbs, VOR trackingN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMDW1. GivensIFR Orientation: Rate, climbs/desc., const. + power climbs, VOR tracking
1999-07-02 1999-07-02N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC1. GivensIFR XC, VOR A MGC, VOR TrackingN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KMGC1. GivensIFR XC, VOR A MGC, VOR Tracking
1999-07-02 1999-07-02N6708R (BE-23)KMGC-KVPZ0.30.31N6708R (BE-23)KMGC-KVPZ0.30.3117.2
1999-07-02 1999-07-02N6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KMDW0. GivensVOR intercept, VOR tracking circle to landN6708R (BE-23)KVPZ-KMDW0. GivensVOR intercept, VOR tracking circle to land
1999-07-07 1999-07-07N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KFCM3.53.53.51Business trip delivering hard drives to Seagate for upgrade/repairN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KFCM3.53.53.51309.2Business trip delivering hard drives to Seagate for upgrade/repair
1999-07-07 1999-07-07N6708R (BE-23)KFCM-KJVL-KMDW3.03.03.02Landed JVL for fuelN6708R (BE-23)KFCM-KJVL-KMDW3.03.03.02309.4Landed JVL for fuel
1999-07-08 1999-07-08N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KLOT-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor 12 JOT, VOR 9 circle-to-land LOT, Inst. t/o and holdsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KLOT-KMDW2. GivensIFR: Vor 12 JOT, VOR 9 circle-to-land LOT, Inst. t/o and holds
1999-07-08 1999-07-08N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMDW0.80.81Right seat loops around Loop, turbulence, strong windsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KGYY-KMDW0.80.8136.7Right seat loops around Loop, turbulence, strong winds
1999-07-10 1999-07-10N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KDPA-KMDW1.51.53Landed JOT for fuel, wacky winds, go around, DPA pilot shop for chartsN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KJOT-KDPA-KMDW1.51.5372.0Landed JOT for fuel, wacky winds, go around, DPA pilot shop for charts
1999-07-11 1999-07-11N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-05C-KIGQ-KMDW1. GivensIFR: Intersection hold, VOR hold, VOR 8 05C, ILS 4 MDWN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-05C-KIGQ-KMDW1. GivensIFR: Intersection hold, VOR hold, VOR 8 05C, ILS 4 MDW
1999-07-15 1999-07-15N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KFSD4. BukovacMontana Leg 1: Foggles onN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KFSD4. BukovacMontana Leg 1: Foggles on
1999-07-15 1999-07-15N6708R (BE-23)KFSD-KRAP3.63.63.61Montana Leg 2: Poked through front VFR, Light mod chop, light rain, 70-80kts GSN6708R (BE-23)KFSD-KRAP3.63.63.61275.3Montana Leg 2: Poked through front VFR, Light mod chop, light rain, 70-80kts GS
1999-07-15 1999-07-15N6708R (BE-23)KRAP-00F2.12.12.11Montana Leg 3: Forced to divert due to T-storm, low fuelN6708R (BE-23)KRAP-00F2.12.12.11133.5Montana Leg 3: Forced to divert due to T-storm, low fuel
1999-07-15 1999-07-15N6708R (BE-23)00F-KBTM3.13.13.11Montana Leg 4: Slow climb from Brodus, heavy showers, lentic. clouds, steep turns to shed altitude on final to BTMN6708R (BE-23)00F-KBTM3.13.13.11296.9Montana Leg 4: Slow climb from Brodus, heavy showers, lentic. clouds, steep turns to shed altitude on final to BTM
1999-07-16 1999-07-16N6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KBTM1.91.91.92Quick hop to Bozeman to pick up Val's friend Molly, VFR on top over Pipestone PassN6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KBTM1.91.91.92114.5Quick hop to Bozeman to pick up Val's friend Molly, VFR on top over Pipestone Pass
1999-07-18 1999-07-18N6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KBTM1.91.91.92Dropped Val and Molly off in BozemanN6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KBTM1.91.91.92114.5Dropped Val and Molly off in Bozeman
1999-07-18 1999-07-18N6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBTM1.21.22Gave cousins & uncle rides around Butte and AnacondaN6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBTM1.21.22Gave cousins & uncle rides around Butte and Anaconda
1999-07-19 1999-07-19N6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KSHR3.23.23.22Return Flight Leg 1: Picked up Val in BZNN6708R (BE-23)KBTM-KBZN-KSHR3.23.23.22243.9Return Flight Leg 1: Picked up Val in BZN
1999-07-19 1999-07-19N6708R (BE-23)KSHR-KRAP2.12.12.11Return Flight Leg 2: VFR through heavy rain over Black Hills, mod. turbulenceN6708R (BE-23)KSHR-KRAP2.12.12.11174.0Return Flight Leg 2: VFR through heavy rain over Black Hills, mod. turbulence
1999-07-19 1999-07-19N6708R (BE-23)KRAP-KHON2.82.82.81Return Flight Leg 3: Beat storm out of RAP, WTF! Rode gusts out to south, barely clearing terrain, then almost sucked up into overcast! Threaded needle between t-storms all the way across S. Dakota, VFR on top of OC, then under OC. Madness.N6708R (BE-23)KRAP-KHON2.82.82.81209.0Return Flight Leg 3: Beat storm out of RAP, WTF! Rode gusts out to south, barely clearing terrain, then almost sucked up into overcast! Threaded needle between t-storms all the way across S. Dakota, VFR on top of OC, then under OC. Madness.
1999-07-19 1999-07-19N6708R (BE-23)KHON-KRST2. BukovacReturn Flight Leg 4: Filed IFR, in and out of IMCN6708R (BE-23)KHON-KRST2. BukovacReturn Flight Leg 4: Filed IFR, in and out of IMC
1999-07-19 1999-07-19N6708R (BE-23)KRST-KMDW2. BukovacReturn Flight Leg 5: Inst. t/o, fog 0.9 mi vis, in soup, then between layers w/ t-storms 30 mi South, Shot ILS 4R into MDWN6708R (BE-23)KRST-KMDW2. BukovacReturn Flight Leg 5: Inst. t/o, fog 0.9 mi vis, in soup, then between layers w/ t-storms 30 mi South, Shot ILS 4R into MDW
1999-07-22 1999-07-22N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KLCL1.61.61.61Maurice GivensIFR: ADF/NDB Intercept and TrackingN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KLCL1.61.61.61Maurice GivensIFR: ADF/NDB Intercept and Tracking
1999-07-24 1999-07-24N6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KVPZ-KBMI1.91.91.92Hot! VPZ for fuel. Picked up Jeanne & Friend for RavinaN6708R (BE-23)KMDW-KVPZ-KBMI1.91.91.92143.6Hot! VPZ for fuel. Picked up Jeanne & Friend for Ravina
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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