Viewing the logbook of: Nelson
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Overall Totals: 276.18.6209.877.5140.6183.03.716.35.01838539
2010-05-06 2010-05-06N236SP (C172S)SQL HAF SQL1.41.41.44Checkride practice: airwork, performance TOLN236SPKSQL-KHAF-KSQL1.41.41.44Checkride practice: airwork, performance TOL
2010-05-11 2010-05-11N850SP (C172S)SQL SQL0.80.80.85Pattern work: short TOL, soft TOL, no flap, engine outN850SPKSQL-KSQL0.80.80.85Pattern work: short TOL, soft TOL, no flap, engine out
2010-05-12 2010-05-12N236SP (C172S)SQL LVK SQL1.01.01.02Airwork: stalls, steep turns, slow flight. Short, soft TOLN236SPKSQL-KLVK-KSQL1.01.01.02Airwork: stalls, steep turns, slow flight. Short, soft TOL
2010-05-13 2010-05-13N236SP (C172S)SQL MER1. to checkride. Transition over KPAO at 3500N236SPKSQL-KMER1. to checkride. Transition over KPAO at 3500
2010-05-13 2010-05-13N236SP (C172S)MER MER1.41.40.14[Pilot Checkride] PPL CheckrideN236SPKMER-KMER1.41.40.14[Pilot Checkride] PPL Checkride
2010-05-13 2010-05-13N236SP (C172S)MER SQL1. HomeN236SPKMER-KSQL1. Home
2010-05-19 2010-05-19N35583 (C172S)SQL PAO SQL0.50.50.52Quick trip for familiarity with PAO. TIS on an MFDN35583KSQL-KPAO-KSQL0.50.50.52Quick trip for familiarity with PAO. TIS on an MFD
2010-05-23 2010-05-23N236SP (C172S)SQL MYV1.21.21.21XC To Marysville for Beale altitude training. First passenger: Andrea BN236SPKSQL-KMYV1.21.21.21XC To Marysville for Beale altitude training. First passenger: Andrea B
2010-05-30 2010-05-30N236SP (C172S)SQL MER SQL2.52.52.52XC to Castle for museum. 20 minute hold outside MER Delta for traffic. First flight with KenN236SPKSQL-KMER-KSQL2.52.52.52XC to Castle for museum. 20 minute hold outside MER Delta for traffic. First flight with Ken
2010-06-03 2010-06-03N35583 (C172S)SQL SNS SQL2. Nav on the fly to avoid clouds. Xwind LDG at SQL: 250@15N35583KSQL-KSNS-KSQL2. Nav on the fly to avoid clouds. Xwind LDG at SQL: 250@15
2010-06-07 2010-06-07N727VT (C182S)PAO LVK PAO1.31.31.33Intro 182 systems. Slow flt, arr stall, steep turns. Normal, xwind, short TOLN727VTKPAO-KLVK-KPAO1.31.31.33Intro 182 systems. Slow flt, arr stall, steep turns. Normal, xwind, short TOL
2010-06-12 2010-06-12N35583 (C172S)SQL SQL0.40.40.42Pattern. 15+kts gusting.N35583KSQL-KSQL0.40.40.42Pattern. 15+kts gusting.
2010-06-14 2010-06-14N35583 (C172S)SQL RBL RDD SQL6. up to Ashland; turned back for undercast. Pass by Shasta, 10.5 alt. 2 axis autopilot opsN35583KSQL-KRBL-KRDD-KSQL6. up to Ashland; turned back for undercast. Pass by Shasta, 10.5 alt. 2 axis autopilot ops
2010-06-17 2010-06-17N35583 (C172S)SQL SMX SQL3. XC. Flew both sides of SJC CharlieN35583KSQL-KSMX-KSQL3. XC. Flew both sides of SJC Charlie
2010-06-23 2010-06-23N727VT (C182S)SEZ SAF2. Flight to Santa Fe. Pilotage. High performance systems, VFR navigation.N727VTKSEZ-KSAF2. Flight to Santa Fe. Pilotage. High performance systems, VFR navigation.
2010-06-24 2010-06-24N727VT (C182S)TEX ASE EGE1. flying. Ashcroft to Aspen. Red Table mtn to Eagle. Density altitude takeoff/ldg. Terrain awarenessN727VTKTEX-KASE-KEGE1. flying. Ashcroft to Aspen. Red Table mtn to Eagle. Density altitude takeoff/ldg. Terrain awareness
2010-06-25 2010-06-25N727VT (C182S)EGE LXV0.70.70.71Leadville! Independence pass. Mountain flying. C182 systems, normal TOL.N727VTKEGE-KLXV0.70.70.71Leadville! Independence pass. Mountain flying. C182 systems, normal TOL.
2010-06-25 2010-06-25N727VT (C182S)EGE EGE1.81.81.81Mtn passes. Pilotage. Mtn weather. Oxygen / high altitude ops. High performance endorsement.N727VTKEGE-KEGE1.81.81.81Mtn passes. Pilotage. Mtn weather. Oxygen / high altitude ops. High performance endorsement.
2010-06-26 2010-06-26N727VT (C182S)KPGA KLAS2. Canyon special ops. Class B ops.N727VTKPGA-KLAS2. Canyon special ops. Class B ops.
2010-06-27 2010-06-27N727VT (C182S)LAS L061. B departure. Death Valley Landing. 182 ops. Eng ops.N727VTKLAS-L061. B departure. Death Valley Landing. 182 ops. Eng ops.
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