Viewing the logbook of: Nelson
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Overall Totals: 276.18.6209.877.5140.6183.03.716.35.01838539
2009-09-07 2009-09-07N850SP (C172S)SQL SQL1.31.31Discovery Flight. Climbs, descents, turns , straight and level. Preflight, startup, shutdownN850SPKSQL-KSQL1.31.31Discovery Flight. Climbs, descents, turns , straight and level. Preflight, startup, shutdown
2009-09-17 2009-09-17N35583 (C172S)SQL SQL1.71.71Four fundamentals. Climbing turns, descending turns, randio comms, flap demo, dutch rolls, slow flightN35583KSQL-KSQL1.71.71Four fundamentals. Climbing turns, descending turns, randio comms, flap demo, dutch rolls, slow flight
2009-09-21 2009-09-21N54JA (C172S)SQL SQL1.41.41Four fundamentals. Radio communications. Normal TOL, slow flight, light turbN54JAKSQL-KSQL1.41.41Four fundamentals. Radio communications. Normal TOL, slow flight, light turb
2009-10-30 2009-10-30N236SP (C172S)SQL SQL1.51.51Four fundamentals. Climbing/descending turns, slow flight, arrival stallN236SPKSQL-KSQL1.51.51Four fundamentals. Climbing/descending turns, slow flight, arrival stall
2009-11-03 2009-11-03N253SP (C172S)SQL SQL1.41.41Collision avoidance. Normal TO, slow flight, arrival stall, departure stall, area navN253SPKSQL-KSQL1.41.41Collision avoidance. Normal TO, slow flight, arrival stall, departure stall, area nav
2009-11-06 2009-11-06N54JA (C172S)SQL SQL1.41.41Departure stalls, arrival stalls, slow flight, radio comms, airport entry/exitN54JAKSQL-KSQL1.41.41Departure stalls, arrival stalls, slow flight, radio comms, airport entry/exit
2009-11-10 2009-11-10N610SP (C172S)SQL SQL1.41.41Slow flight, arrival / departure stall, steep turns. Engine out off field, turns around a point.N610SPKSQL-KSQL1.41.41Slow flight, arrival / departure stall, steep turns. Engine out off field, turns around a point.
2009-11-25 2009-11-25N253SP (C172S)SQL SQL1.01.01Intro to Pattern. HAF ops. Go arounds, normal TO, radio comms, collision avoidanceN253SPKSQL-KSQL1.01.01Intro to Pattern. HAF ops. Go arounds, normal TO, radio comms, collision avoidance
2009-11-30 2009-11-30N54JA (C172S)SQL C83 SQL2.42.44Ground ref maneuvers: turns around a pt, s-turns across a road, rect course, pattern: go arounds. low approaches. normal TOL airport ops. First landing.N54JAKSQL-C83-KSQL2.42.44Ground ref maneuvers: turns around a pt, s-turns across a road, rect course, pattern: go arounds. low approaches. normal TOL airport ops. First landing.
2009-12-02 2009-12-02N54JA (C172S)SQL LVK SQL1.51.54LVK pattern. Normal takeoff & landings. Go arounds. Collision avoidance. Area nav.N54JAKSQL-KLVK-KSQL1.51.54LVK pattern. Normal takeoff & landings. Go arounds. Collision avoidance. Area nav.
2009-12-03 2009-12-03N54JA (C172S)SQL LVK SQL1.51.56LVK Pattern. Go Arounds. normal TOL. Radio CommunicationN54JAKSQL-KLVK-KSQL1.51.56LVK Pattern. Go Arounds. normal TOL. Radio Communication
2009-12-07 2009-12-07N54JA (C172S)SQL SQL1.61.610Pattern. Normal TOL. Go arounds. Fwd slip to ldg.N54JAKSQL-KSQL1.61.610Pattern. Normal TOL. Go arounds. Fwd slip to ldg.
2009-12-09 2009-12-09N54JA (C172S)SQL OAK SQL1.81.816Pattern. Normal TOL. Go arounds. Fwd slip to landing. Engine out in pattern. Wake turbulence avoidance.N54JAKSQL-KOAK-KSQL1.81.816Pattern. Normal TOL. Go arounds. Fwd slip to landing. Engine out in pattern. Wake turbulence avoidance.
2009-12-14 2009-12-14N751SP (C172S)PAO PAO1.51.510Normal TOL. Fwd slip to ldg. Eng out in pattern. Go arounds. Collision avoidance.N751SPKPAO-KPAO1.51.510Normal TOL. Fwd slip to ldg. Eng out in pattern. Go arounds. Collision avoidance.
2009-12-16 2009-12-16Xwind200 (Simulator)Xwind 200 simulator trainingXwind200Xwind 200 simulator training
2009-12-18 2009-12-18N610SP (C172S)SQL PAO SJC RHV LVK HWD SQL1.91.97Airport entry/exit. Radio comms. Wake turbulence. Normal / xwind. TOL Eng Out. Fwd Slip. Go arounds. Fun day of airport hopping. Lots of work with radio, navigationN610SPKSQL-KPAO-KSJC-KRHV-KLVK-KHWD-KSQL1.91.97Airport entry/exit. Radio comms. Wake turbulence. Normal / xwind. TOL Eng Out. Fwd Slip. Go arounds. Fun day of airport hopping. Lots of work with radio, navigation
2009-12-19 2009-12-19N177XY (C177RG)SQL MRYJust a passenger, Ken PIC. Had engine trouble at 11,000, diverted to Monterey.N177XYKSQL-KMRYJust a passenger, Ken PIC. Had engine trouble at 11,000, diverted to Monterey.
2010-01-03 2010-01-03N222MF (C172S)PAO PAO1.31.31Emergencies. Engine out off field. Securing procedures. Communication. Troubleshoot.N222MFKPAO-KPAO1.31.31Emergencies. Engine out off field. Securing procedures. Communication. Troubleshoot.
2010-01-05 2010-01-05N236SP (C172S)SQL SQL0.60.63Solo prep. Go arounds, normal TOL, no flap landing.N236SPKSQL-KSQL0.60.63Solo prep. Go arounds, normal TOL, no flap landing.
2010-01-05 2010-01-05N236SP (C172S)SQL SQL0.50.50.53First solo! Normal TOL in patternN236SPKSQL-KSQL0.50.50.53First solo! Normal TOL in pattern
DateReg.RouteTotalSimPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sRemarks
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