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Page Totals: 34.934.
Overall Totals: 319.9272.70.018.4132.90.0234.24.648.513.5386867913.754.310501.0
2011-02-22 2011-02-22N803SF (PCATD)PAE PAE0.90.91Eric LindbergBAIF Fundamentals, airspeed changes, 360 turns, timed compass turns, unusual attitude recovery ILS 16R @ PAE Eric Lindberg 3033910 exp 6/12N803SF (PCATD)KPAE-KPAE0.90.91Eric LindbergBAIF Fundamentals, airspeed changes, 360 turns, timed compass turns, unusual attitude recovery ILS 16R @ PAE Eric Lindberg 3033910 exp 6/12
2011-03-01 2011-03-01N803SF (PCATD)PAE AWO PAE1.11.13Eric LindbergLOC34@AWO, NDB@AWO, VOR16R@PAE, partial panel, circle to land, straight in, holdN803SF (PCATD)KPAE-KAWO-KPAE1.11.1332.1Eric LindbergLOC34@AWO, NDB@AWO, VOR16R@PAE, partial panel, circle to land, straight in, hold
2011-03-08 2011-03-08N7356S (C182)S43 AWO PAE S431. HTEric Lindberg[IPC][Flight Review] LOC 34 @AWO x2, Hold 4000 in IMC, vectors to VOR 16R@PAE, 1 missed, 1 circle, 1 straigh-in. 1 go-around.N7356S (C182)S43-KAWO-KPAE-S431. HT1.438.5Eric Lindberg[IPC][Flight Review] LOC 34 @AWO x2, Hold 4000 in IMC, vectors to VOR 16R@PAE, 1 missed, 1 circle, 1 straigh-in. 1 go-around.
2011-03-20 2011-03-20N2608R (C182)PAE PAE0.80.81w/Nick, go-around at Firstair, wind shear around 400', too rough for himN2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE0.80.810.8w/Nick, go-around at Firstair, wind shear around 400', too rough for him
2011-04-09 2011-04-09N2608R (C182)PAE S43 W16 PAE1.21.21.24Right seat, shorts, 1 soft T/O, go-around @W16, land procedure refined. 1700 RPMN2608R (C182)KPAE-S43-W16-KPAE1. seat, shorts, 1 soft T/O, go-around @W16, land procedure refined. 1700 RPM
2011-05-17 2011-05-17N2608R (C182)PAE PAE1.11.11.15Aaron SmithTeaching landingsN2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE1. SmithTeaching landings
2011-05-20 2011-05-20N2608R (C182)PAE PAE0.30.31Relocate for GA DayN2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE0.30.310.3Relocate for GA Day
2011-05-21 2011-05-21N2608R (C182)PAE PAE0.50.51Post GA Day flight w/NickN2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE0.50.510.5Post GA Day flight w/Nick
2011-05-29 2011-05-29N2608R (C182)PAE PAE1.21.21Peter, ColleenFlightseeing with Peter and Colleen.N2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE1.21.211.2Peter, ColleenFlightseeing with Peter and Colleen.
2011-06-28 2011-06-28N2608R (C182)PAE W16 0S9 PAE1.61.61.64ArdenArden's first flight! Go-around at Monroe. First family trip to Jefferson County for late lunch.N2608R (C182)KPAE-W16-0S9-KPAE1.61.61.641.669.4ArdenArden's first flight! Go-around at Monroe. First family trip to Jefferson County for late lunch.
2011-08-20 2011-08-20N1383U (C172M)PAE 4S2 PAE3. Walsh, Bob ElderPaine to Hood River, Pliotage, VOR Nav, Ded Reckoning, unfamiliar airport procedure. Right seat. WAAAM with Tim and Bob.N1383U (C172M)KPAE-4S2-KPAE3. Walsh, Bob ElderPaine to Hood River, Pliotage, VOR Nav, Ded Reckoning, unfamiliar airport procedure. Right seat. WAAAM with Tim and Bob.
2011-10-12 2011-10-12N1383U (C172M)PAE PAE0.60.60.63Get current. One landing without landing light, use medium intesity lighting to aid. High was too bright.N1383U (C172M)KPAE-KPAE0.60.60.63Get current. One landing without landing light, use medium intesity lighting to aid. High was too bright.
2011-11-05 2011-11-05N2608R (C182)AWO PAE1.51.51.51Glen WebsterEngine break-in flight with Glen. PAE to Bellingham aread, to AWO. AWO south past PLU.N2608R (C182)KAWO-KPAE1.51.51.511.516.1Glen WebsterEngine break-in flight with Glen. PAE to Bellingham aread, to AWO. AWO south past PLU.
2012-01-11 2012-01-11N1383U (C172M)PAE PAE0.50.50.53Get currentN1383U (C172M)KPAE-KPAE0.50.50.53Get current
2012-03-19 2012-03-19N1383U (C172M)PAE W16 S43 PAE1.21.21.23Turns around a point, 8 on pylons, eagles 2700 feet.N1383U (C172M)KPAE-W16-S43-KPAE1.21.21.2323.8Turns around a point, 8 on pylons, eagles 2700 feet.
2012-05-18 2012-05-18N1383U (C172M)PAE W16 AWO PAE1.31.31.33Prep for PFAD, took Nick, enjoyed seeing his school. Go-around at Firstair, N1383U (C172M)KPAE-W16-KAWO-KPAE1.31.31.3346.4Prep for PFAD, took Nick, enjoyed seeing his school. Go-around at Firstair,
2012-06-14 2012-06-14N2608R (C182)PAE W16 PAE0.80.80.83Short field t/o and landings. Engine out procedure.N2608R (C182)KPAE-W16-KPAE0.80.80.830.823.5Short field t/o and landings. Engine out procedure.
2012-06-21 2012-06-21N2608R (C182)PAE W160.50.50.51Pick up fam at home.N2608R (C182)KPAE-W160.50.50.510.511.8Pick up fam at home.
2012-06-21 2012-06-21N2608R (C182)W16 VUO1.41.41.411st time at Pearson. Visit Ian and Shelley and the girls.N2608R (C182)W16-KVUO1.41.41.411.4138.01st time at Pearson. Visit Ian and Shelley and the girls.
2012-06-21 2012-06-21N2608R (C182)VUO W161.41.41.41Return trip from Vancouver.N2608R (C182)KVUO-W161.41.41.411.4138.0Return trip from Vancouver.
2012-06-21 2012-06-21N2608R (C182)W16 PAE0.30.30.31Return a/c to Paine.N2608R (C182)W16-KPAE0.30.30.310.311.8Return a/c to Paine.
2012-06-25 2012-06-25N1383U (C172M)PAE AWO PAE0.80.80.8283U to Cannon for IFR checks. Billed to club. VFR LOC34 Approach @AWON1383U (C172M)KPAE-KAWO-KPAE0.80.80.8232.183U to Cannon for IFR checks. Billed to club. VFR LOC34 Approach @AWO
2012-07-30 2012-07-30N2608R (C182)PAE FHR PAE1.81.81.82Lunch with Dad (impala) at Friday Harbor.N2608R (C182)KPAE-KFHR-KPAE1.81.81.821.894.9Lunch with Dad (impala) at Friday Harbor.
2012-09-15 2012-09-15N2608R (C182)PAE 3W5 BLI 74S OKH PAE2.52.52.55Long flight with Nick. Nick flew, did stall, steep turns, simulated engine out. Unfamiliar airport ops.N2608R (C182)KPAE-3W5-KBLI-74S-KOKH-KPAE2.52.52.552.5137.0Long flight with Nick. Nick flew, did stall, steep turns, simulated engine out. Unfamiliar airport ops.
2013-01-15 2013-01-15N2608R (C182)KPAE S43 W16 KAWO KPAE1. Field Ops, go-around, 180Power off landingN2608R (C182)KPAE-S43-W16-KAWO-KPAE1. Field Ops, go-around, 180Power off landing
2013-03-26 2013-03-26N1383U (C172M)KPAE-S43-KPAE1.[Flight Review] P/O&Off Stall, steep turn, hood, soft and short TO/L, inst. nav BFR CompleteN1383U (C172M)KPAE-S43-KPAE1.[Flight Review] P/O&Off Stall, steep turn, hood, soft and short TO/L, inst. nav BFR Complete
2013-05-26 2013-05-26N2608R (C182)PAE BLI PAE2.12.12.12Cylinder break-in w/Nick. High power 24" 2400 RPM @ 2500 140 MPH Indicated 15GPH. Up to Bellingham, south to Mt. Rainier.N2608R (C182)KPAE-KBLI-KPAE2. break-in w/Nick. High power 24" 2400 RPM @ 2500 140 MPH Indicated 15GPH. Up to Bellingham, south to Mt. Rainier.
2013-07-10 2013-07-10N2608R (C182)PAE PAE0.50.50.53Touch and go's to get currentN2608R (C182)KPAE-KPAE0.50.50.530.5Touch and go's to get current
2013-09-26 2013-09-26N1383U (C172M)PAE W16 PAE1.01.01.03w/Nick. Short field ops, go-around, 1st time on new Rwy@PAEN1383U (C172M)KPAE-W16-KPAE1.01.01.0323.5w/Nick. Short field ops, go-around, 1st time on new Rwy@PAE
2014-01-24 2014-01-24N2608R (C182)pae s43 pae0. current. Touch and go at PAEN2608R (C182)KPAE-S43-KPAE0. current. Touch and go at PAE
2014-03-12 2014-03-12N1383U (C172M)PAE PAE1.01.01Formation photo flight. First formation. Instruction from Kerry, James' friend.N1383U (C172M)KPAE-KPAE1.01.01Formation photo flight. First formation. Instruction from Kerry, James' friend.
2014-05-20 2014-05-20N1383U (C172M)PAE W16 PAE0.80.80.83Go-around, windy, get current.N1383U (C172M)KPAE-W16-KPAE0.80.80.8323.5Go-around, windy, get current.
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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