Viewing the logbook of: sandfarmer
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiTurbineComplexHPDist (NM)Remarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 854.2773.2229.6160.8605.760.152.890.8107889123357.422.3588.9593.880792.8
2015-01-22 2015-01-22N919BF (C310)KSUS ksik off just north of capeN919BF (C310)KSUS-KSIK0. off just north of cape
2015-01-26 2015-01-26N919BF (C310)Ksik ktkx ksik1.31.32Randy and Steve rode to auction an then we went farm looking on the way home.N919BF (C310)KSIK-KTKX-KSIK1.31.321.31.31.393.0Randy and Steve rode to auction an then we went farm looking on the way home.
2015-01-30 2015-01-30N414SE (C-414)Ksik khee ksik2. and backN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KHEE-KSIK2. and back
2015-02-05 2015-02-05N414SE (C-414)Ksik khee ksik2. (C-414)KSIK-KHEE-KSIK2.
2015-02-06 2015-02-06N414SE (C-414)Ksik khee ksik2. (C-414)KSIK-KHEE-KSIK2.
2015-02-15 2015-02-15N919BF (C310)Ksik kcty KMIA Miami, cross city for gas, saw Matt Hughes thereN919BF (C310)KSIK-KCTY-KMIA5. Miami, cross city for gas, saw Matt Hughes there
2015-02-20 2015-02-20N919BF (C310)KMIA kcty ksik5. from cruise, a little ice picked up in the last hour or so.N919BF (C310)KMIA-KCTY-KSIK5. from cruise, a little ice picked up in the last hour or so.
2015-03-24 2015-03-24N919BF (C310)ksik kpof0.50.50.51To annualN919BF (C310)KSIK-KPOF0.50.50.510.50.50.537.5To annual
2015-03-24 2015-03-24N1522S (B33)Kpof ksik1.11.11Back from annual and farm lookingN1522S (B33)KPOF-KSIK1. from annual and farm looking
2015-03-30 2015-03-30N1522S (B33)ksik m31 4m9 ksik1.21.21.23N1522S (B33)KSIK-M31-4M9-KSIK1.
2015-03-31 2015-03-31N1522S (B33)Ksik kpof ksik1.01.01.02Meet ins adjusterN1522S (B33)KSIK-KPOF-KSIK1. ins adjuster
2015-04-04 2015-04-04N1522S (B33)Ksik kuta ksik2.12.12.12Tunica and backN1522S (B33)KSIK-KUTA-KSIK2. and back
2015-06-19 2015-06-19N919BF (C310)Kpof lcl0.30.31Test flight post annual and rudder repairN919BF (C310)KPOF-LCL0.30.310.30.30.3Test flight post annual and rudder repair
2015-06-19 2015-06-19N919BF (C310)Kpof ksik0.60.60.61Home from annualN919BF (C310)KPOF-KSIK0.60.60.610.60.60.637.5Home from annual
2015-06-28 2015-06-28N919BF (C310)Ksik 3dw ksik2. for the afternoonN919BF (C310)KSIK-3DW-KSIK2. for the afternoon
2015-06-29 2015-06-29N919BF (C310)Ksik kehr kcgi ksik2. 414 to avionics shopN919BF (C310)KSIK-KEHR-KCGI-KSIK2. 414 to avionics shop
2015-07-03 2015-07-03N919BF (C310)Ksik kcgi kehr ksik2. get 414 and river looking on the way homeN919BF (C310)KSIK-KCGI-KEHR-KSIK2. get 414 and river looking on the way home
2015-07-17 2015-07-17N919BF (C310)Ksik kict ksik5. and backN919BF (C310)KSIK-KICT-KSIK5. and back
2015-07-23 2015-07-23N1522S (B33)Ksik kpof ksik2.82.82With Daniel crop scouting and the pick Doug up at POF N1522S (B33)KSIK-KPOF-KSIK2.82.822.82.874.9With Daniel crop scouting and the pick Doug up at POF
2015-07-26 2015-07-26N1522S (B33)Ksik lcl2.12.12.11River looking as the water started down N1522S (B33)KSIK-LCL2. looking as the water started down
2015-07-28 2015-07-28N919BF (C310)Ksik lcl1.81.80.31Checking river progress in ky, Illinois, Thompson bend down to new Madrid.N919BF (C310)KSIK-LCL1.81.80.311.81.81.8Checking river progress in ky, Illinois, Thompson bend down to new Madrid.
2015-07-29 2015-07-29N919BF (C310)Ksik kpof ksik2.02.02.02Take check to Dustin then practice a few coupled approaches for autopilot practiceN919BF (C310)KSIK-KPOF-KSIK2. check to Dustin then practice a few coupled approaches for autopilot practice
2015-08-13 2015-08-13N1522S (B33)Ksik kcgi kpof ksik2. TTake Doug to get Edwards 414, shot RNAV 18 CTL 36 under hoodN1522S (B33)KSIK-KCGI-KPOF-KSIK2. T2.22.2102.3Take Doug to get Edwards 414, shot RNAV 18 CTL 36 under hood
2015-08-20 2015-08-20N919BF (C310)Ksik kcht ksik3.23.23.22Go to wolverine ditcher demoN919BF (C310)KSIK-KCHT-KSIK3. to wolverine ditcher demo
2015-08-22 2015-08-22N919BF (C310)Ksik kglh ksik2. look at eagle ditcherN919BF (C310)KSIK-KGLH-KSIK2. look at eagle ditcher
2015-08-27 2015-08-27N919BF (C310)Ksik kglh ksik2. and back N919BF (C310)KSIK-KGLH-KSIK2. and back
2015-08-28 2015-08-28N919BF (C310)Ksik c16 ksik2.72.72.72To half century of progress showN919BF (C310)KSIK-C16-KSIK2.72.72.722.72.72.7410.9To half century of progress show
2015-10-17 2015-10-17N414SE (C-414)Ksik kcha1.61.61.61Go with Kenny to gun auctionN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KCHA1.61.61.611.61.61.6239.7Go with Kenny to gun auction
2015-10-17 2015-10-17N414SE (C-414)Kcha ksik2.02.02.01Back homeN414SE (C-414)KCHA-KSIK2. home
2015-11-08 2015-11-08N919BF (C310)Ksik lcl1.01.01Sight seeing flight with Memaw N919BF (C310)KSIK-LCL1. seeing flight with Memaw
2015-11-22 2015-11-22N414SE (C-414)Ksik Krog ksik3. HTRogers and back, foggles on both ends with DougN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KROG-KSIK3. HT3.23.23.2443.0Rogers and back, foggles on both ends with Doug
2015-11-23 2015-11-23N1522S (B33)Ksik h79 ksik2. HTEldon and back, perry safetyN1522S (B33)KSIK-H79-KSIK2. HT2.62.6336.1Eldon and back, perry safety
2015-11-23 2015-11-23N1522S (B33)Ksik kdxe kmqy ksik2. HTSmyrna and back, Doug safetyN1522S (B33)KSIK-KDXE-KMQY-KSIK2. HT2.42.4348.0Smyrna and back, Doug safety
2015-12-07 2015-12-07N919BF (C310)Ksik 9v9 ksik7. fertilizer meetingN919BF (C310)KSIK-9V9-KSIK7. fertilizer meeting
2015-12-18 2015-12-18N414SE (C-414)ksik kbna ksik2. HTNashville and back, shot ILS 02C on the way over in broken conditions, clear below 2,500N414SE (C-414)KSIK-KBNA-KSIK2. HT2.22.22.2293.7Nashville and back, shot ILS 02C on the way over in broken conditions, clear below 2,500
2015-12-22 2015-12-22N919BF (C310)Ksik kluk ksik3. TLumkin field to pic up Bennie and back, ils 21L broke out 2,000, RNAV 20 almost to minimums at sik, broke out at 850N919BF (C310)KSIK-KLUK-KSIK3. T3.73.73.7554.5Lumkin field to pic up Bennie and back, ils 21L broke out 2,000, RNAV 20 almost to minimums at sik, broke out at 850
2015-12-24 2015-12-24N1522S (B33)Ksik kcgi Kehr ksik rode to take Doug to get 414N1522S (B33)KSIK-KCGI-KEHR-KSIK1.81.81.831.81.8221.0Papaw rode to take Doug to get 414
2015-12-25 2015-12-25N919BF (C310)Ksik Kluk ksik3. TTake Bennie back to lunken, fir whole way back, shot rnav20 down to 1500N919BF (C310)KSIK-KLUK-KSIK3. T3.53.53.5554.5Take Bennie back to lunken, fir whole way back, shot rnav20 down to 1500
2016-01-04 2016-01-04N414SE (C-414)Ksik kpof0.50.50.51Drop off at Dustin shopN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KPOF0.50.50.510.50.50.537.5Drop off at Dustin shop
2016-01-05 2016-01-05N1522S (B33)Ksik 3a2 ksik4.04.04.011Go look at trailer N1522S (B33)KSIK-3A2-KSIK4.04.04.0114.04.0582.1Go look at trailer
2016-01-12 2016-01-12N414SE (C-414)Kpof ksik0.50.50.51Back from shopN414SE (C-414)KPOF-KSIK0.50.50.510.50.50.537.5Back from shop
2016-01-14 2016-01-14N1522S (B33)Ksik Kehr kcgi ksik2. looking before picking up Ryan and Doug N1522S (B33)KSIK-KEHR-KCGI-KSIK2. looking before picking up Ryan and Doug
2016-02-19 2016-02-19N414SE (C-414)Ksik kcmd KCTY KEYW key westN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KCMD-KCTY-KEYW5. key west
2016-02-22 2016-02-22N414SE (C-414)KEYW KCTY kcmd ksik5. THome from key west, shot rnav 02 at cullman, 530 didn't have it, hand flew, 500 ceilingN414SE (C-414)KEYW-KCTY-KCMD-KSIK5. T5.85.85.8857.3Home from key west, shot rnav 02 at cullman, 530 didn't have it, hand flew, 500 ceiling
2016-03-28 2016-03-28N919BF (C310)ksik ksgf ksik2. TErika's birthday tripN919BF (C310)KSIK-KSGF-KSIK2. T2.42.42.4369.4Erika's birthday trip
2016-05-14 2016-05-14N414SE (C-414)Ksik Ksrc kecp ksik7. (C-414)KSIK-KSRC-KECP-KSIK7.
2016-05-21 2016-05-21N919BF (C310)Ksik KFFL ksik4. race and backN919BF (C310)KSIK-KFFL-KSIK4. race and back
2016-05-31 2016-05-31N414SE (C-414)Ksik kglh kpof Greenville and then Drop off for annualN414SE (C-414)KSIK-KGLH-KPOF3. Greenville and then Drop off for annual
2016-06-16 2016-06-16N919BF (C310)ksik kpof kads ksik6.2506.2503.7506.2503pick up meridianN919BF (C310)KSIK-KPOF-KADS-KSIK6.2506.2503.7506.25036.2506.2506.250860.7pick up meridian
2016-06-30 2016-06-30N919BF (C310)ksik kpof0.50.50.51Drop off for annualN919BF (C310)KSIK-KPOF0.50.50.510.50.50.537.5Drop off for annual
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSoloDual R.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiTurbineComplexHPDist (NM)Remarks
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