High altitude operations to test performance of IO-550. Cruised at 17,000 feet with a TAS of 170 knots. Aircraft burned 35 gallons for entire block. Incredible airplane and flight.
IFR to KWST. Great sunset. Ended up going missed at WST and flying ILS to minimums at PVD as alternate. Fog rolled in faster than forecast. LOC 7 KWST; ILS 5 KPVD
X-Country from Sacramento to Monterey. ILS 10R to full stop. A/P to 600 feet when I broke out then hand flew to landing. Slight tailwind and long landing, which was planned for.
Fast flight from Northeast Philadelphia back to KWST. Cruised back at 11,000 feet with a peak ground speed of 206 knots. Great fun flight in the Mooney
Flew 6 golfers down to Hilton Head for tournament. Gorgeous departure through clouds from TEB and smooth flight south at 18000. Visual straight in to rwy 21 at Hilton Head.