Viewing the logbook of: MooneyR
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
N8782R BeechcraftBe20Super King Air B200Airplane MELComplex, "Garmin 430", "High Performance", "ME Turbine", Pressurized, Turboprop
n656fe Boeingb722Airplane MELATP, Complex, COMPLEX, Jet, "ME Turbine", "Part 121", "Pinnacle Pressurized Retractable", pressurized, Turbojet
N77AA BoeingB752Airplane MEL"COMPLEX Glass Jet", Crew, Jet, "ME Turbine", Pressurized, Turbofan
N978AP CessnaC-172SPSkyhawkAirplane SEL"Garmin 430"
N205DE MooneyM20P-200Airplane SELCOMPLEX, "Garmin GNS 430", "High Performance", "Pressurized Retractable"
N590AF MooneyM20ROvation 214 gphAirplane SELComplex, High, "high performance"
N212LT PilatusPC12400pphAirplane SELCOMPLEX, "high performance", "High Performance", "Turboprop Pressurized pressurized"
N1927H PiperP28R-201ArrowAirplane SELComplex, GNS430, "High Performance"

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

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