Viewing the logbook of: jackharper
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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2013-10-10 2013-10-10N81545 (7AC)6MN9 6MN90.90.92Dave Harper CFI 3016863Taxi ops, pitch and power exercise, turns, 2 takeoffs.N81545 (7AC)6MN9-6MN90.90.92Dave Harper CFI 3016863Taxi ops, pitch and power exercise, turns, 2 takeoffs.
2014-08-19 2014-08-19N81545 (7AC)6MN9 25D 6MN91.21.24CFI 3086824Preflight, taxi, takeoff turns, climbs, descents, landings, pattern work.N81545 (7AC)6MN9-25D-6MN91.21.2415.8CFI 3086824Preflight, taxi, takeoff turns, climbs, descents, landings, pattern work.
2014-08-19 2014-08-19N81545 (7AC)6MN9 25D 6MN91.31.35CFI 3086824Takeoffs, stalls slowflight, steep turns, normal landings and slips.N81545 (7AC)6MN9-25D-6MN91.31.3515.8CFI 3086824Takeoffs, stalls slowflight, steep turns, normal landings and slips.
2014-08-20 2014-08-20N81545 (7AC)6MN9 25D 6MN91.81.812CFI 3086824Takeoffs and landings, slips, slow flight, go arounds, crosswind landings.N81545 (7AC)6MN9-25D-6MN91.81.81215.8CFI 3086824Takeoffs and landings, slips, slow flight, go arounds, crosswind landings.
2014-08-21 2014-08-21N81545 (7AC)6MN9 25D 6MN91.11.17CFI 3086824Takeoffs and landings, slips, go arroundsN81545 (7AC)6MN9-25D-6MN91.11.1715.8CFI 3086824Takeoffs and landings, slips, go arrounds
2014-09-02 2014-09-02N81545 (7AC)6MN9 KOEO 6MN91.51.56CFI 3086824Steep turns, stalls, emergency landings, crosswind landings, radio/sectional work.N81545 (7AC)6MN9-KOEO-6MN91.51.5634.7CFI 3086824Steep turns, stalls, emergency landings, crosswind landings, radio/sectional work.
2014-09-20 2014-09-20N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.01.01Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Slow flight, stalls, spin entry and recovery, crosswind full stall landing.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.01.01Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Slow flight, stalls, spin entry and recovery, crosswind full stall landing.
2014-09-21 2014-09-21N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.51.58Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Normal takeoffs, ground reference maneuvers, traffic patterns, wheel landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.51.58Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Normal takeoffs, ground reference maneuvers, traffic patterns, wheel landings.
2014-09-24 2014-09-24N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.41.48Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Traffic pattern, crosswind soft field takeoff, full stall and wheel landings. N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.41.48Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Traffic pattern, crosswind soft field takeoff, full stall and wheel landings.
2014-09-26 2014-09-26N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.31.38Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Emergency power off landings, short field and soft field landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.31.38Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Emergency power off landings, short field and soft field landings.
2014-09-27 2014-09-27N50271 (8KCAB)KOEO KOEO1.21.21Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Unusual attitude training, lazy 8's, steep turns, aileron rolls, loop. N50271 (8KCAB)KOEO-KOEO1.21.21Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Unusual attitude training, lazy 8's, steep turns, aileron rolls, loop.
2014-09-29 2014-09-29N149AC (7EC)KOEO KEAU Y23 KOEO2.32.32.32Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Dual cross country, pilotage, class D operations, goN149AC (7EC)KOEO-KEAU-Y23-KOEO2.32.32.32129.7Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Dual cross country, pilotage, class D operations, go
2014-10-04 2014-10-04N149AC (7EC)kOEO KOEO1.61.68Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Ground reference maneuvers, S turn, turns about a point, wheel landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.61.68Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Ground reference maneuvers, S turn, turns about a point, wheel landings.
2014-10-05 2014-10-05N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO0.50.53Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Wheel and full stall landings, forward slip to landing, wake turbulence avoidance.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO0.50.53Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Wheel and full stall landings, forward slip to landing, wake turbulence avoidance.
2014-10-05 2014-10-05N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO0.80.80.83First solo! Takeoffs and landings on paved and grass runways. N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO0.80.80.83First solo! Takeoffs and landings on paved and grass runways.
2014-10-11 2014-10-11N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO0.30.31Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Traffic pattern, slow flight, short and soft field takeoffs.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO0.30.31Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Traffic pattern, slow flight, short and soft field takeoffs.
2014-10-11 2014-10-11N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.31.31.37Traffic patterns, full stall landings, wheel landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.31.31.37Traffic patterns, full stall landings, wheel landings.
2014-10-14 2014-10-14N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.71.01.712Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings, go around, collision and wake turbulence avoidance.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.71.71.012Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings, go around, collision and wake turbulence avoidance.
2014-10-18 2014-10-18N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.51.51.51Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Simulated instrument.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.51.51.51Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Simulated instrument.
2014-10-19 2014-10-19N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO0.20.20.22Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO0.20.20.22Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings.
2014-10-19 2014-10-19N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.01.01.02Night takeoffs and landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.01.01.02Night takeoffs and landings.
2014-10-20 2014-10-20N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1.71.71.51Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Simulated instrument, unusual attitudes.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1.71.71.51Dick Johnson CFI 1681888Simulated instrument, unusual attitudes.
2014-10-24 2014-10-24N149AC (7EC)KOEO KSTC-KOEO2. Johnson CFI 1681888Night cross country, engine out emergency landing, four full stop landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KSTC-KOEO2. Johnson CFI 1681888Night cross country, engine out emergency landing, four full stop landings.
2014-10-26 2014-10-26N149AC (7EC)KOEO KOEO1. Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings.N149AC (7EC)KOEO-KOEO1. Johnson CFI 1681888Night takeoffs and landings.
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks

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