Viewing the logbook of: jackharper
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TailnumberManufacturerTypeModel NameFuel BurnCategory/ClassTagsDescription
FraskaDA42-L Fraska DA42-LUnknown LETU Simulator
PCATD PCATDUnknown LETU Simulator
PFC1000 PFC1000Unknown LETU Simulator
N81545 Aeronca7ACChampAirplane SEL
N149AC American Champion7ECChampAirplane SEL Osceola Aerosport
N278AC American Champion7ECACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N790L American Champion7ECACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N793L American Champion7ECACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N797L American Champion7ECACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N798L American Champion7ECACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N799L American Champion7GCAACitabriaAirplane SEL LETU
N724BB BeechcraftBE36BonanzaAirplane SEL Send North
N7830G CessnaC172SkyhawkAirplane SES Surfside
N31LU CessnaC172RSkyhawkAirplane SEL LETU
N33LU CessnaC172RSkyhawkAirplane SEL LETU
N34LU CessnaC172RSkyhawkAirplane SEL LETU
N35LU CessnaC172RSkyhawkAirplane SEL LETU
N36LU CessnaC172RSkyhawkAirplane SEL LETU
N8386Q CessnaC206StationaireAirplane SEL LETU
N50271 Champion8KCABDecathalonAirplane SEL Osceola Aerosport
N58LU DiamondDA42LTwinStarAirplane MEL LETU
N59LU DiamondDA42LTwinStarAirplane MEL LETU
N222TR StinsonS108VoyagerAirplane SEL

Tip: If the plane you are creating is a Beechcraft, Cessna or Piper, just fill in the type designator (eg. PA-28-151), and the other details will be filled in for you.

Tip: If you have a lof of duplicate plane entries, to get rid of them, go to the preferences section and click on the "Remove Duplicate Planes" button at the bottom.