Viewing the logbook of: openiduser217
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Overall Totals: 96.866.50.035.437.
2007-01-14 2007-01-14N1493V (C172)RYY-VPC-RYY1.11.11.14Ralph Connell8 gFlew with Ralph to knock the rust off. Slow flight, stalls.N1493V (C172)KRYY-KVPC-KRYY1.11.11.1428.2Ralph ConnellFlew with Ralph to knock the rust off. Slow flight, stalls.
2007-02-03 2007-02-03N7607E (C172)RYY-RYY0.60.61Tina's first flight with me. Flew over the house.N7607E (C172)KRYY-KRYY0.60.61Tina's first flight with me. Flew over the house.
2007-03-11 2007-03-11N7607E (C172)RYY-LZU-RYY1.61.626.4 gSammy and I flew to LZU and ate at the Flying Machine... Hazy.N7607E (C172)KRYY-KLZU-KRYY1.61.6263.5Sammy and I flew to LZU and ate at the Flying Machine... Hazy.
2007-03-24 2007-03-24N1493V (C172) fly in at Sammie's Touch and Go. Susie and Sam drove. Met Wayne from (C172) fly in at Sammie's Touch and Go. Susie and Sam drove. Met Wayne from
2007-04-13 2007-04-13N7607E (C172)MGE-MGE0.90.90.96Pattern work; Short TO and landings; Low approach.N7607E (C172)KMGE-KMGE0.90.90.96Pattern work; Short TO and landings; Low approach.
2007-04-28 2007-04-28N7607E (C172)MGE-WDR-MGE1.61.61.62Georgia Pilots Association meet and greet. Clear and smooth out. Bumpy and windy on the way back.N7607E (C172)KMGE-KWDR-KMGE1.61.61.6285.0Georgia Pilots Association meet and greet. Clear and smooth out. Bumpy and windy on the way back.
2007-08-04 2007-08-04N7607E (C172)MGE-MGE0.70.74Dan GeorgeFlew with Dan George to get current. Stayed in the pattern.N7607E (C172)KMGE-KMGE0.70.74Dan GeorgeFlew with Dan George to get current. Stayed in the pattern.
2007-08-11 2007-08-11N1493V (C172)MGE-DNL-3J7-MGE3.73.73.73Augusta for golf with Rich Slaby. Gene Viscelli flew with me. Made precautionary landing at 3J7 for high oil temp. Very hot day. 101 on the ground.N1493V (C172)KMGE-KDNL-3J7-KMGE3.73.73.73253.9Augusta for golf with Rich Slaby. Gene Viscelli flew with me. Made precautionary landing at 3J7 for high oil temp. Very hot day. 101 on the ground.
2009-05-29 2009-05-29N99709 (C172)RYY-VPC-RYY1.41.41.43Andy Lindstrom 3042492Slow flight, steep turns, power on/off stalls, normal takeoff and landings, taxi, ATC commN99709 (C172)KRYY-KVPC-KRYY1.41.41.4328.2Andy Lindstrom 3042492Slow flight, steep turns, power on/off stalls, normal takeoff and landings, taxi, ATC comm
2009-06-13 2009-06-13N99709 (C172)RYY-VPC-RYY1.51.51.56Andy Lindstrom 304249211.3 g[Flight Review] Steep turns, power off stalls, normal takeoff & landingsN99709 (C172)KRYY-KVPC-KRYY1.51.51.5628.2Andy Lindstrom 3042492[Flight Review] Steep turns, power off stalls, normal takeoff & landings
2009-06-25 2009-06-25N99709 (C172)RYY-GA2-RYY2.12.12.14First Class B, First over ATL, First grass, First <3,000 ft Rwy. Andy flew along.N99709 (C172)KRYY-GA2-KRYY2.12.12.14102.3First Class B, First over ATL, First grass, First <3,000 ft Rwy. Andy flew along.
2009-10-20 2009-10-20N99709 (C172)KRYY-VPC-RYY1.51.50.11510.4 gForm 5 CheckrideN99709 (C172)KRYY-KVPC-KRYY1.51.50.11528.2Form 5 Checkride
2009-11-08 2009-11-08N98428 (C172)KPDK-9A5-KRMG-KPDK2. gCAP C17 ProficiencyN98428 (C172)KPDK-9A5-KRMG-KPDK2. C17 Proficiency
2009-12-26 2009-12-26N99709 (C172)KRYY-KDZJ-KDNN-KCZL-KRYY2. gCAP C-17 Proficiency FlightN99709 (C172)KRYY-KDZJ-KDNN-KCZL-KRYY2. C-17 Proficiency Flight
2010-01-09 2010-01-09N187SF (CRUZ)KFTY-KFTY1.01.0Discovery flight to check out the LSA Sportcruiser. Gusty day. Got sick on final.N187SF (CRUZ)KFTY-KFTY1.01.0Discovery flight to check out the LSA Sportcruiser. Gusty day. Got sick on final.
2010-02-14 2010-02-14N99709 (C172)KVPC-KVPC1.21.21.2107.5Pattern work. 8 T&G, 1 Fullstop Taxi back, 1 Fullstop. Very comfortable.N99709 (C172)KVPC-KVPC1.21.21.210Pattern work. 8 T&G, 1 Fullstop Taxi back, 1 Fullstop. Very comfortable.
2010-03-07 2010-03-07N99709 (C172)KVPC-KAJR-KJZP-KVPC1. ProficiencyN99709 (C172)KVPC-KAJR-KJZP-KVPC1. Proficiency
2010-04-10 2010-04-10N99709 (C172)KVPC-KLGC-KVPC1.81.81.8113.3 gC17 proficiency. No landing at KLGC due to radio problems.N99709 (C172)KVPC-KLGC-KVPC1.81.81.81135.8C17 proficiency. No landing at KLGC due to radio problems.
2010-05-23 2010-05-23N99709 (C172)KPDK-KRYY-KPDK1. - C17 Proficiency; steep turns; hazy, hotN99709 (C172)KPDK-KRYY-KPDK1.11.11.1333.9CAP924 - C17 Proficiency; steep turns; hazy, hot
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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