Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown a C-180 | JCisneros, jpolivka, mcchatigny, NRohde, openiduser46, richtrav506, speterson, tnelson, wacarlton, warthogmadman987, wsmolloy |
Total hours logged in a C-180 | 861.3 |
Total number of flights logged in a C-180 | 639 |
Number of unique airports a C-180 has visited | 143 |
Tailnumbers that are a C-180 | N1674C, N3251D, N5915B, N3119DWHL, N180PK, C-FHIJ, N180JJ, N1585C, N190PT, N3119DSEA, N7529K, N4678B, 7911V, N180PT, N123LJ, N2744G, C-FXIK, N57PF |