Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown a PA-28RT-201 | jrhfstlr212, jskibo, knightse, mgomes, mhoyle7, morgan9, nahoy, Nefmoya, Nefmoya84, nmiller, ntilley905, openiduser102, openiduser1176, openiduser1210, openiduser237, openiduser401, prpilot, sierradeltaromeo10, timwilky, tmwilky |
Total hours logged in a PA-28RT-201 | 474.97 |
Total number of flights logged in a PA-28RT-201 | 276 |
Number of unique airports a PA-28RT-201 has visited | 56 |
Tailnumbers that are a PA-28RT-201 | N80KP, 366LC, N9PN, N83762, N28416, N8250V, N8378B, N2130U, N2250X, N222HB, 377LC, N83236, N8229Y, N8108M, N3005V, N604AE, N3023K, N56JM, N8395Y, N81898, N3025K, N2846Y, N2895C, N160LL, N3058T, 604EA |