Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown a PA28R-201T | ehannan, kscessnadriver, ncamie, openiduser169, openiduser2, pilotrose |
Total hours logged in a PA28R-201T | 212.1 |
Total number of flights logged in a PA28R-201T | 170 |
Number of unique airports a PA28R-201T has visited | 62 |
Tailnumbers that are a PA28R-201T | N4068Q, N2962Y, N92GM, N2076M, N734TN, N8245Y, N2495M, N2443M, N43761, N2079Y, N47761, N40AR, N2247W |