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For anyone flaimiar with our website, and my material in particular, you'll find that being tough and doing whatever it takes to get the job done are common themes. Truck driving is no place for soft people. Nice people? Certainly. But you must be tough, have a strong work ethic, and be willing to do whatever it takes out there or you'll find yourself being set aside while other drivers get the miles and the nice, fat paychecks. There are a lot of whiners in trucking, because it's an incredibly tough job, but then there are those that suck it up and get the job done. TruckerMike is certainly one of those that sucks it up and gets the job done. I follow him daily, I track him on GPS, and we chat quite a bit. I know what he's going through, I know his attitude toward life and his career, and he's got what it takes to be an awesome driver. Most people, even many that are truck drivers right now, do not. It's incredibly tough out there the lifestyle is interesting and even quite exciting at times. There's always an adventure around every corner, and believe me when I tell you this it will absolutely kick your a** sometimes. People, this is not a 9 to 5 job as TruckerMike has made clear. You really do drive when you must, sleep when you can. After years of this, 4-5 hours of sleep is a full night for me, and a 1/2 hour nap almost starts my day all over again. Things get easier as time goes on. It takes a while to learn how to schedule things. That first year really kicks your a**! But you learn to schedule things better, you learn to sleep harder when you do sleep, and you adapt. After all those years on the road, nobody appreciates being able to drive 5 minutes to the grocery store or Wal-Mart to pick up whatever I like more than me, and nobody understands and appreciates what the guys and gals on the highway go through to make it that way for all of us. There are a ton of people who are not cut out for this career, and you'll find them complaining about how horrible their company treats them and how unfair everything is all over the internet. It's not their company or the industry that's the problem. The problem is they had no idea what it takes out there until they got there, and then they found out the hard way that they didn't belong.There are those types everywhere, and then there are the select few that suck it up and get the job done. You'll find the tough ones here at TruckingTruth telling you straight up about life on the road so you can decide if it sounds right for you. I hope you're listening closely, because as much as we love trucking, it's brutal at times, but it's also an incredibly satisfying lifestyle if you're the right person for the job. [url=]yqgxjwh[/url] [link=]yriwtc[/link]
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