Viewing the logbook of: openiduser296
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DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 282.10.0222.30.014.7211.91.4161.124.245.920.13430650102.00.019696.0
2008-09-09 2008-09-09N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.01.01Intro flight, Preflight, Taxi, takeoff, Climbs, Turns, descents, ChecklistsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.01.01Intro flight, Preflight, Taxi, takeoff, Climbs, Turns, descents, Checklists
2008-09-13 2008-09-13N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.90.91Taxi, Climbs, turns, Striaght and level, use of flaps and rudder, use of Checklists, decentsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.90.91Taxi, Climbs, turns, Striaght and level, use of flaps and rudder, use of Checklists, decents
2008-09-15 2008-09-15N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.21.21Taxi, Climbs, turns, Striaght and level, use of flaps and rudder, use of Checklists, decentsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.21.21Taxi, Climbs, turns, Striaght and level, use of flaps and rudder, use of Checklists, decents
2008-09-17 2008-09-17N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.11.11Take offs, climbs, steep turns, slow flight, traffic pattern landingN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.11.11Take offs, climbs, steep turns, slow flight, traffic pattern landing
2008-09-18 2008-09-18N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.11.11Ground references maneuvers, steep turns, crosswind takeoff landings. N89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.11.11Ground references maneuvers, steep turns, crosswind takeoff landings.
2008-09-23 2008-09-23N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.01.02Stalls, Engine Out, Crosswind takeoffs and landings, Touch and go'sN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.01.02Stalls, Engine Out, Crosswind takeoffs and landings, Touch and go's
2008-09-24 2008-09-24N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.80.81Power on Power off stalls, with flap landings, Radio communications, weight and balanceN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.80.81Power on Power off stalls, with flap landings, Radio communications, weight and balance
2008-09-29 2008-09-29N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.11.12Take offs, landings, emergency procedures, engine out, engine fireN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.11.12Take offs, landings, emergency procedures, engine out, engine fire
2008-10-02 2008-10-02N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.01.07Take offs, landings, Go- aroundsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.01.07Take offs, landings, Go- arounds
2008-10-04 2008-10-04N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.80.87Take offs, landings, Flapless takeoffs ,Forward SlipN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.80.87Take offs, landings, Flapless takeoffs ,Forward Slip
2008-10-06 2008-10-06N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.70.75Crosswind take off and landings, engine failure on takeoffN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.70.75Crosswind take off and landings, engine failure on takeoff
2008-10-08 2008-10-08N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.70.73Pre solo flight take off and landingsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.70.73Pre solo flight take off and landings
2008-10-08 2008-10-08N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.30.30.31FIRST SOLO!N89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.30.30.31FIRST SOLO!
2008-10-11 2008-10-11N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KLIT to KSRC1.51.51.561st night flight/Big AirportN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KLIT-KSRC1.51.51.5675.11st night flight/Big Airport
2008-10-15 2008-10-15N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.50.52Take offs and landingsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.50.52Take offs and landings
2008-10-15 2008-10-15N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.30.30.32ManeuversN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.30.30.32Maneuvers
2008-10-20 2008-10-20N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.60.62Practice maneuvers N89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.60.62Practice maneuvers
2008-10-20 2008-10-20N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.90.90.93Maneuvers N89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.90.90.93Maneuvers
2008-10-22 2008-10-22N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC1.11.16Short and soft field take off and landingsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC1.11.16Short and soft field take off and landings
2008-10-25 2008-10-25N89704 (C-152)SRC to HBZ to SRC1.31.34Short and soft field takeoff and landings. Flight to Heber SpringsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KSRC1.31.3445.2Short and soft field takeoff and landings. Flight to Heber Springs
2008-10-27 2008-10-27N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KARG to KSRC1.91.91.92Cross country flight, flight planning,N89704 (C-152)KSRC-KARG-KSRC1.91.91.92135.5Cross country flight, flight planning,
2008-11-01 2008-11-01N89704 (C-152)SRC to SRC0.90.90.92Take offs and landings, practiceN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.90.90.92Take offs and landings, practice
2008-11-03 2008-11-03N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KRUE to KSRC1.91.92#2 cross countryN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KRUE-KSRC1.91.92133.3#2 cross country
2008-11-10 2008-11-10N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KM74 to KSRC1.21.20.94Simulated Instrument/ Hood TimeN89704 (C-152)KSRC-M74-KSRC1.21.20.9420.7Simulated Instrument/ Hood Time
2008-11-14 2008-11-14N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KM60 to KSRC1.41.41.13Instrument flying/Hood timeN89704 (C-152)KSRC-M60-KSRC1.41.41.1346.5Instrument flying/Hood time
2008-11-17 2008-11-17N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KSRC1.11.11.13Solo to atl airportN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KSRC1.11.11.1345.2Solo to atl airport
2008-11-19 2008-11-19N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KJBR to KSRC1.81.81.83#2 night flight/Cross countryN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KJBR-KSRC1.81.81.83130.3#2 night flight/Cross country
2008-12-05 2008-12-05N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KSRC1.21.20.93Finished 3 hour simulated instumentN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KSRC1.21.20.9345.2Finished 3 hour simulated instument
2008-12-06 2008-12-06N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KLIT to KSRC1.71.77Tower Controlled take offs and landingsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KLIT-KSRC1.71.7775.1Tower Controlled take offs and landings
2008-12-11 2008-12-11N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KLIT to KSRC1.90.41.915Tower controlled take off and landingsN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KLIT-KSRC1.91.90.41575.1Tower controlled take off and landings
2008-12-20 2008-12-20N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KSRC0.50.50.52Practice turns around a point, slow flightN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.50.50.52Practice turns around a point, slow flight
2009-01-10 2009-01-10N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KSRC0.70.70.71Solo practiceN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KSRC0.70.70.71Solo practice
2009-01-13 2009-01-13N6454J (C-172)KSRC to KSRC1.51.56Preflight, normal takoff and landing, engine fail, emergency, steep turnsN6454J (C-172)KSRC-KSRC1.51.56Preflight, normal takoff and landing, engine fail, emergency, steep turns
2009-01-31 2009-01-31N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KSRC0.60.62Traffic pattern procedures, EP's, Hazardous terrain, intr ops and equipmentN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KSRC0.60.6245.2Traffic pattern procedures, EP's, Hazardous terrain, intr ops and equipment
2009-01-31 2009-01-31N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KARG to KM19 to KSRC2.32.32.34Radion communication procedures, short soft field take off and landings, cross wind takeoff, Climb Vx Vy, Instrument VOR, Cross-countryN89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KARG-M19-KSRC2.32.32.34156.5Radion communication procedures, short soft field take off and landings, cross wind takeoff, Climb Vx Vy, Instrument VOR, Cross-country
2009-01-31 2009-01-31N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KARG to KM19 to KSRC2. extended cross country SOLON89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KARG-M19-KSRC2. extended cross country SOLO
2009-02-12 2009-02-12N6454J (C-172)KSRC to KSRC1.51.58Slow flight, stalls, emergency landings, short field landings, soft field landings, cross windN6454J (C-172)KSRC-KSRC1.51.58Slow flight, stalls, emergency landings, short field landings, soft field landings, cross wind
2009-02-13 2009-02-13N89704 (C-152)KSRC to KHBZ to KARG to KM19 to KSRC2. Cross country SOLON89704 (C-152)KSRC-KHBZ-KARG-M19-KSRC2. Cross country SOLO
2009-02-13 2009-02-13N6454J (C-172)KSRC to KHEE to KSRC1. VORs, NDBs, simulated instumentsN6454J (C-172)KSRC-KHEE-KSRC1. VORs, NDBs, simulated instuments
2009-05-12 2009-05-12N6204F (C-172)KPDK to KPDK2. country navagation, diversion to alternate airport, slowflight, stalls, steep turns, flight by referenceN6204F (C-172)KPDK-KPDK2. country navagation, diversion to alternate airport, slowflight, stalls, steep turns, flight by reference
2009-05-19 2009-05-19N6204F (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.71.70.51Slow flight, stalls, steep turns, turns around a point, flight by referenceN6204F (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.71.70.51Slow flight, stalls, steep turns, turns around a point, flight by reference
2009-05-27 2009-05-27N6344F (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.61.610Short and soft field take offN6344F (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.61.610Short and soft field take off
2009-05-29 2009-05-29N9872J (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.41.48Short and soft field take offs, landings, crosswind landingsN9872J (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.41.48Short and soft field take offs, landings, crosswind landings
2009-06-01 2009-06-01N6344F (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.91.92Crosswind naviagation, diversion, lost procedures, emergency approach and landings,Go arounds, slip to landings, slow flight, power on and power off stalls, steep turns, turns across a road, turns around a point, short field take off and landingsN6344F (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.91.92Crosswind naviagation, diversion, lost procedures, emergency approach and landings,Go arounds, slip to landings, slow flight, power on and power off stalls, steep turns, turns across a road, turns around a point, short field take off and landings
2009-06-02 2009-06-02N6344F (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.11.16Short field take off and landings, soft field take off and landingsN6344F (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.11.16Short field take off and landings, soft field take off and landings
2009-06-03 2009-06-03N6344F (C-172)KPDK to KMDQ1.71.71.71Cross-country navigation, flying to Check ride N6344F (C-172)KPDK-KMDQ1.71.71.71126.6Cross-country navigation, flying to Check ride
2009-06-03 2009-06-03N6344F (C-172)KMDQ to KFYM to KMDQ1.31.30.55Clyde Shelton[Pilot Checkride] PRIVATEN6344F (C-172)KMDQ-KFYM-KMDQ1.31.30.5523.8Clyde Shelton[Pilot Checkride] PRIVATE
2009-06-03 2009-06-03N6344F (C-172)KMDQ to KPDK1.61.61Cross-country navigationN6344F (C-172)KMDQ-KPDK1.61.61126.6Cross-country navigation
2009-11-15 2009-11-15N722HG (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1.61.61.61TUnusual attitude, Partial panel, No GyroN722HG (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1.61.61.61TUnusual attitude, Partial panel, No Gyro
2009-11-16 2009-11-16N47AF (C-172)KPDK to KPDK1. navigation,orientation localizer tracking, intersectionN47AF (C-172)KPDK-KPDK1. navigation,orientation localizer tracking, intersection
DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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