Viewing the logbook of: sdhaenens
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Overall Totals: 261.469.7193.05.323.2281.
03-11-11 2011-03-11455AM (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.91Cyrus Gold 2837327CFISteep turns, power off/on stalls, short field takeoff and landings.455AM (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.910.9Cyrus Gold 2837327CFISteep turns, power off/on stalls, short field takeoff and landings.
04-13-11 2011-04-13131TS (DA-42)KPVU-41U-KPVU1. Blad 2708908CFI2310 stage 1 cross-country check131TS (DA-42)KPVU-41U-KPVU1. Blad 2708908CFI2310 stage 1 cross-country check
06-06-11 2011-06-06FrascaDA42 (SIM)0.80.8Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, stalls - power on/off, slow flight.FrascaDA42 (SIM)(0.8)0.80.8Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, stalls - power on/off, slow flight.
06-15-11 2011-06-15104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.41.41.46Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, slow flight, power off stalls, stop and go, short field landings.104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.41.41.461.4Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, slow flight, power off stalls, stop and go, short field landings.
06-20-11 2011-06-20FrascaDA42 (SIM)1.01.0Scott Winn 3315317CFIEngine failure, single engine operations.FrascaDA42 (SIM)(1.0)1.01.0Scott Winn 3315317CFIEngine failure, single engine operations.
06-29-11 2011-06-29334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.01.01.02Scott Winn 3315317CFISingle engine work, takeoff, maneuvering, pattern, VMC demo.334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1. Winn 3315317CFISingle engine work, takeoff, maneuvering, pattern, VMC demo.
07-11-11 2011-07-11FrascaDA42 (SIM)FrascaDA42 (SIM)(0.0)
07-11-11 2011-07-11FrascaDA42 (SIM)1.11.11 TScott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, ODP, emergency procedures, SE ILS.FrascaDA42 (SIM)(1.1)1.11.11 TScott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, ODP, emergency procedures, SE ILS.
07-15-11 2011-07-15334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.34Scott Winn 3315317CFIStalls (power on/off), VMC demo, One-engine-inoperative flight, takeoff's.334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.341.3Scott Winn 3315317CFIStalls (power on/off), VMC demo, One-engine-inoperative flight, takeoff's.
07-22-11 2011-07-22334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.34Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, slow flight, SE ops/pattern, short field landings.334TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.31.31.341.3Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, slow flight, SE ops/pattern, short field landings.
07-29-11 2011-07-29104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.11.11.13Scott Winn 3315317CFIStalls (power on/off), VMC demo, SE ops, short field takeoff and landings.104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1. Winn 3315317CFIStalls (power on/off), VMC demo, SE ops, short field takeoff and landings.
08-15-11 2011-08-15104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.51.51.53Matt Blad 2708908CFICross-country, short field takeoff and landings, SE pattern, slow flight, stalls, steep turns, VMC demo, emergency descent/procedures.104TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU1.51.51.531.5Matt Blad 2708908CFICross-country, short field takeoff and landings, SE pattern, slow flight, stalls, steep turns, VMC demo, emergency descent/procedures.
08-15-11 2011-08-15131TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.91Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, VMC demo, slow flight, emergency descent, short field landing.131TS (DA-42)KPVU-KPVU0.90.90.910.9Scott Winn 3315317CFISteep turns, VMC demo, slow flight, emergency descent, short field landing.
DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiSingleComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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