Viewing the logbook of: DanielJohnson9
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Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 2190.796.6781.31221.133.6239.4610.01535.1119.380.71841.4349.31709202011748.01384.5142.45.81221.1206.30.9373204.11529.4
2010-04-04 2010-04-04pk:61341KISZ I19 KMGY KISZ0.90.93Sunrise flight. Very calm winds and almost no other trafficN107CL (DA20)KISZ-I19-KMGY-KISZ0.90.90.930.967.0Sunrise flight. Very calm winds and almost no other traffic
2010-06-01 2010-06-01pk:61341KISZ KISZ0.50.54Touch and go's with wind < 3ktsN107CL (DA20)KISZ-KISZ0.50.50.54Touch and go's with wind < 3kts
2010-06-22 2010-06-22pk:61341ISZ 3W21.81.81.81Flight with Mat Young. One of the craziest app of my flying career. Winds were all over the placeN107CL (DA20)KISZ-3W21. with Mat Young. One of the craziest app of my flying career. Winds were all over the place
2010-06-22 2010-06-22pk:613413W2 ISZ1.81.81.81N107CL (DA20)3W2-KISZ1.
2010-08-26 2010-08-26pk:61340GFK 3H4 GFK1.61.61.64Timothy SwindleUND 112.2 CN520ND (172S)KGFK-3H4-KGFK1. SwindleUND 112.2 C
2010-08-28 2010-08-28pk:61339GFK GAF GFK1.61.61.64Timothy SwindleUND 112.3 CN512ND (172S)KGFK-KGAF-KGFK1. SwindleUND 112.3 C
2010-09-03 2010-09-03pk:61338GFK D37 GFK1. SwindleUND 112/5 CN522ND (172S)KGFK-D37-KGFK1. SwindleUND 112/5 C
2010-09-04 2010-09-04pk:61337GFK FAR TVF GFK2. SwindleUND 112/6 CN530ND (172S)KGFK-KFAR-KTVF-KGFK2. SwindleUND 112/6 C
2010-09-11 2010-09-11pk:61336GFK GFK1. TakagiUND 112.7 Stage Check Sat Also counted as a BFRN508ND (172S)KGFK-KGFK1. TakagiUND 112.7 Stage Check Sat Also counted as a BFR
2011-01-15 2011-01-15pk:61351GFK 4V4 GFK1.51.52Mitch ReilyUND 221.2CN516ND (172S)KGFK-4V4-KGFK1.51.51.521.543.0Mitch ReilyUND 221.2C
2011-01-19 2011-01-19pk:61352GFK FFM FAR GFK2. SandquistUND 221.3CN507ND (172S)KGFK-KFFM-KFAR-KGFK2. SandquistUND 221.3C
2011-01-23 2011-01-23pk:61353GFK CKN GFK1.41.41.43David SandquistUND 221.4 CN548ND (172S)KGFK-KCKN-KGFK1.41.41.431.446.5David SandquistUND 221.4 C
2011-01-26 2011-01-26pk:61354GFK GFK0.70.70.71AndrewUND 221.5 I (Had to turn around due to ice.)N564ND (172S)KGFK-KGFK0.70.70.71AndrewUND 221.5 I (Had to turn around due to ice.)
2011-02-01 2011-02-01pk:61338GFK FFM CKN GFK2. SandquistUND 221.5 CN522ND (172S)KGFK-KFFM-KCKN-KGFK2. SandquistUND 221.5 C
2011-02-03 2011-02-03pk:613550.90.9David SandquistUND 221.10 CSF8390 (C172S)0.90.9UND 221.10 C
2011-02-03 2011-02-03pk:613550.70.7David SandquistUND 221.11 CSF8390 (C172S)0.70.7UND 221.11 C
2011-02-08 2011-02-08pk:61356GFK STP MKT GFK6. DalkeUND 221.6 C N574ND (172S)KGFK-KSTP-KMKT-KGFK6. DalkeUND 221.6 C
2011-02-11 2011-02-11pk:61357GFK DVL JMS GFK2. 221.7 C N550ND (172S)KGFK-KDVL-KJMS-KGFK2. 221.7 C
2011-02-12 2011-02-12pk:61358GFK BIS GFK3.43.43.42UND 221.8 CN517ND (172S)KGFK-KBIS-KGFK3. 221.8 C
2011-02-14 2011-02-14pk:61330GFK BJI FAR GFK2. 221.9 C N571ND (172S)KGFK-KBJI-KFAR-KGFK2. 221.9 C
2011-02-16 2011-02-16pk:61359GFK GFK1.31.30.91David SandquistUND 221.12 CN563ND (172S)KGFK-KGFK1. SandquistUND 221.12 C
2011-02-24 2011-02-24pk:613601.11.1David SandquistUND 221.13 CSF8362 (C172S)1.11.1UND 221.13 C
2011-02-25 2011-02-25pk:613601.11.1David SandquistUND 221.14 CSF8362 (C172S)1.11.1UND 221.14 C
2011-02-27 2011-02-27pk:61361GFK GFK1.61.61.06David SandquistUND 221.15 I (Very gusty winds)N566ND (172S)KGFK-KGFK1. SandquistUND 221.15 I (Very gusty winds)
2011-02-28 2011-02-28pk:613311.21.2David SandquistUND 221.16 CSF8061 (C172S)1.21.2UND 221.16 C
DatePlaneRouteTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodDayNightNight L.Day L.App'sP2PMultiMulti PICSeaTurbineComplexHPDist (NM)ATP XCInstructorStudentRemarks
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