Viewing the logbook of: openiduser269
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Overall Totals: 869.7865.15.418.465.50.0726.581.242.2123.3148698840.0778.9107392.5
2007-02-14 2007-02-14N1336C (SR22)CHS-LRO0.40.41VFR back to LRO from Annual Inspection - Everything functioning perfectlyN1336C (SR22)KCHS-KLRO0.40.410.413.0VFR back to LRO from Annual Inspection - Everything functioning perfectly
2007-02-17 2007-02-17N1336C (SR22)LRO-ISM2.42.42.41IFR to KISM in VFR conditions - 15kts headwind all the way down - Stayed at Swan Resort with Dana and went to Rengetsu for dinner, we had better trips - Visual Appr to Rwy 33 at ISMN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KISM2.42.42.412.4289.9IFR to KISM in VFR conditions - 15kts headwind all the way down - Stayed at Swan Resort with Dana and went to Rengetsu for dinner, we had better trips - Visual Appr to Rwy 33 at ISM
2007-02-18 2007-02-18N1336C (SR22)ISM-LRO2. back to LRO - High winds and gusty departure at ISM 15G20, nice departure and vectors to the northwest to avoid Daytona 500 - Dana and I saw a plane do arobactics as it approcah us - Strong winds at LRO 16G20 from 300 degrees - Visual Appr Rwy 35, spot landingN1336C (SR22)KISM-KLRO2. back to LRO - High winds and gusty departure at ISM 15G20, nice departure and vectors to the northwest to avoid Daytona 500 - Dana and I saw a plane do arobactics as it approcah us - Strong winds at LRO 16G20 from 300 degrees - Visual Appr Rwy 35, spot landing
2007-02-23 2007-02-23N1336C (SR22)LRO-PDK-LRO3. in VFR conditions to PDK for golf with JK and AR - Almost misunderstoond rwy 2R for 22R into PDK - Landing was a bit stiff 5/10 - VFR back to LRO alone, spot landing at LRO at nightN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KPDK-KLRO3. in VFR conditions to PDK for golf with JK and AR - Almost misunderstoond rwy 2R for 22R into PDK - Landing was a bit stiff 5/10 - VFR back to LRO alone, spot landing at LRO at night
2007-02-25 2007-02-25N1336C (SR22)LRO-PDK-LRO3. with IFR to PDK at 4000 feet to get JK and AR - Line of moderate-severe weather between LRO and PDK, Light to mod turb with vectors around cells - Rwy 20L GPS approach to minimums, broke out at 1550, 1st appr to minimums, flew across final and had to re-intrercept final approach course, Good systems skills but poor communication on my part - Spot landing - Com1 wasnt functioning properly. Departed PDK with JK and AR with great tailwinds, 204kts GS during the climb to 7000, entered cluds at 600AGL with light to moderate precip for 20 mins back to LRO - visular Approach to rwy 17 at LRO with 20kts gusting to 27 from 190 degrees, spot landingN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KPDK-KLRO3. with IFR to PDK at 4000 feet to get JK and AR - Line of moderate-severe weather between LRO and PDK, Light to mod turb with vectors around cells - Rwy 20L GPS approach to minimums, broke out at 1550, 1st appr to minimums, flew across final and had to re-intrercept final approach course, Good systems skills but poor communication on my part - Spot landing - Com1 wasnt functioning properly. Departed PDK with JK and AR with great tailwinds, 204kts GS during the climb to 7000, entered cluds at 600AGL with light to moderate precip for 20 mins back to LRO - visular Approach to rwy 17 at LRO with 20kts gusting to 27 from 190 degrees, spot landing
2007-02-26 2007-02-26N1336C (SR22)LRO-ISM2. to ISM for auto auction with Jimmy Regan and JK - IMC conditions through portions of the trip at 6000 feet - Visual approach to 15 at night to ISMN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KISM2. to ISM for auto auction with Jimmy Regan and JK - IMC conditions through portions of the trip at 6000 feet - Visual approach to 15 at night to ISM
2007-02-28 2007-02-28N1336C (SR22)ISM-LRO2. to LRO in mostly VFR conditions - Brad was with Teddy at LRO on arrival, Teddy made his first solo with 3 stops at LRO after we landed, nice landings - We landed on Rwy17, spotN1336C (SR22)KISM-KLRO2. to LRO in mostly VFR conditions - Brad was with Teddy at LRO on arrival, Teddy made his first solo with 3 stops at LRO after we landed, nice landings - We landed on Rwy17, spot
2007-03-04 2007-03-04N932CD (SR20)LRO-CHS1.01.01VFR to CHS for Maint - PTT is not working and oil change needs completionN932CD (SR20)KLRO-KCHS1. to CHS for Maint - PTT is not working and oil change needs completion
2007-03-06 2007-03-06N932CD (SR20)CHS-LRO-CHS0.80.80.411VFR to LRO and back for oil change - Met Jimmy Regan over at LRO for demo flight before changing oil on 932CD - Flew back to CHS to get ready for trip to Ft Meyers with trevor and MattN932CD (SR20)KCHS-KLRO-KCHS0.80.80.4110.826.0VFR to LRO and back for oil change - Met Jimmy Regan over at LRO for demo flight before changing oil on 932CD - Flew back to CHS to get ready for trip to Ft Meyers with trevor and Matt
2007-03-06 2007-03-06N932CD (SR20)CHS-LRO-CHS0.70.70.311VFR to LRO for oil change with Brad before going to Paige Field next day - Brought over filter and oil for Seatern - back to CHS after dark VFRN932CD (SR20)KCHS-KLRO-KCHS0.70.70.3110.726.0VFR to LRO for oil change with Brad before going to Paige Field next day - Brought over filter and oil for Seatern - back to CHS after dark VFR
2007-03-07 2007-03-07N932CD (SR20)CHS-FMY3. in mostly VFR conditions to Paige Field/Ft Meyers - Took Trevor Smith and Matt Mons to Hockey tourni and scheduled golf - Little IMC and spot landing at FMY - 1st time for Trevor and Matt Mons - Visual 22 aprN932CD (SR20)KCHS-KFMY3. in mostly VFR conditions to Paige Field/Ft Meyers - Took Trevor Smith and Matt Mons to Hockey tourni and scheduled golf - Little IMC and spot landing at FMY - 1st time for Trevor and Matt Mons - Visual 22 apr
2007-03-08 2007-03-08N932CD (SR20)FMY-CHS3. in mostly VFR conditions back to CHS - Leaned out 932CD for most of the trip back - Visual appr rwy 15 at CHS after being vectored around a bunchN932CD (SR20)KFMY-KCHS3. in mostly VFR conditions back to CHS - Leaned out 932CD for most of the trip back - Visual appr rwy 15 at CHS after being vectored around a bunch
2007-03-10 2007-03-10N932CD (SR20)CHS-LRO-LRO1.01.02VFR to bring 932CD back to hangar - Took little James regan with me and the boys to LRO and then took up Jim and his two girls for a ride around the patch - 2 spot landings on rwy 35 - Plane is running well and no squaks reportedN932CD (SR20)KCHS-KLRO-KLRO1. to bring 932CD back to hangar - Took little James regan with me and the boys to LRO and then took up Jim and his two girls for a ride around the patch - 2 spot landings on rwy 35 - Plane is running well and no squaks reported
2007-03-20 2007-03-20N1336C (SR22)LRO-CHS-CHS1.31.32VFR flight to CHS and then local flight with Sandy and Dana around the areaN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KCHS1.31.321.313.0VFR flight to CHS and then local flight with Sandy and Dana around the area
2007-03-22 2007-03-22N1336C (SR22)CHS-DYB-LRO0.80.82VFR to DYB for fuel and then back to LRON1336C (SR22)KCHS-KDYB-KLRO0.80.820.842.5VFR to DYB for fuel and then back to LRO
2007-03-24 2007-03-24N1336C (SR22)LRO-CHS-CHS-PDK-LRO4. to PDK to Dave and Busters with Dana and boys for day trip - Quick scenic flight with Anne-Marie before going to PDK - Perfect VFR day - Busy into PDK landed 20L, parked at Epps - Cab to D&B - VFR back to LRO in the evening with night landing at LRON1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KCHS-KPDK-KLRO4. to PDK to Dave and Busters with Dana and boys for day trip - Quick scenic flight with Anne-Marie before going to PDK - Perfect VFR day - Busy into PDK landed 20L, parked at Epps - Cab to D&B - VFR back to LRO in the evening with night landing at LRO
2007-03-28 2007-03-28N1336C (SR22)LRO-GSO-LRO3. in VFR conditions to GSO with Nash from Rays group for meeting and back to LRO - busy day at GSO for furniture auctionsN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KGSO-KLRO3. in VFR conditions to GSO with Nash from Rays group for meeting and back to LRO - busy day at GSO for furniture auctions
2007-03-28 2007-03-28N1336C (SR22)LRO-ISM2. in mostly VFR conditions to Kissimmee for CTIA convention - several VFR traffic advisories - vector over Disney for Visual 15 arrival - parked at Attractions - waited for Andre to get me to see Noah for Dinner meeting - stayed at Port Orleans overnightN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KISM2. in mostly VFR conditions to Kissimmee for CTIA convention - several VFR traffic advisories - vector over Disney for Visual 15 arrival - parked at Attractions - waited for Andre to get me to see Noah for Dinner meeting - stayed at Port Orleans overnight
2007-03-29 2007-03-29N1336C (SR22)ISM-LRO2. in mostly VFR conditions to LRO after meeting with Rich from Phonescoop at CTIA with Andre - Smmoth flight with gusty landings at LRO rwy 35, spot onN1336C (SR22)KISM-KLRO2. in mostly VFR conditions to LRO after meeting with Rich from Phonescoop at CTIA with Andre - Smmoth flight with gusty landings at LRO rwy 35, spot on
2007-03-30 2007-03-30N932CD (SR20)LRO-HSV-KLIT-LRO10. at 8000 ft to Little Rock with Terry and Caroline Thorton for Tennis Tourni - Stopped in Huntsville HSV for bladder break and fuel - IMC ILS appr to 18L at HSV with tops at 4500 and floor at 1600, slightly below glideslope before capture, but mostly spot on - Visual appr to KLIT, stopped at Supermarine FBO - IFR back to LRO at 11,000 ft to conserve fuel, ended up with 15 gallons remaining due to the low fuel burn enroute 7-8 GPH - Visula appr to LRO runway 17 at nightN932CD (SR20)KLRO-KHSV-KLIT-KLRO10. at 8000 ft to Little Rock with Terry and Caroline Thorton for Tennis Tourni - Stopped in Huntsville HSV for bladder break and fuel - IMC ILS appr to 18L at HSV with tops at 4500 and floor at 1600, slightly below glideslope before capture, but mostly spot on - Visual appr to KLIT, stopped at Supermarine FBO - IFR back to LRO at 11,000 ft to conserve fuel, ended up with 15 gallons remaining due to the low fuel burn enroute 7-8 GPH - Visula appr to LRO runway 17 at night
2007-03-31 2007-03-31N1336C (SR22)LRO-SPG2. in mostly VFR conditions to SPR (Albert Witted) in St. Pete to see IRL race - Jimmy Regan, Cohles, and Brett, stayed at Cohles Dad condo in downtown St Pete, Amazing view of airport and race - Landed visual 36 approach, spot on speed and landing - Parked at Bayview FBO - Great airport!N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KSPG2. in mostly VFR conditions to SPR (Albert Witted) in St. Pete to see IRL race - Jimmy Regan, Cohles, and Brett, stayed at Cohles Dad condo in downtown St Pete, Amazing view of airport and race - Landed visual 36 approach, spot on speed and landing - Parked at Bayview FBO - Great airport!
2007-04-01 2007-04-01N1336C (SR22)SPG-SPG0.70.71VFR flight with AR and Christina (andre's friend) around St Pete - Great takeoff from SPG with perfect short-field landing, 1500 ft or lessN1336C (SR22)KSPG-KSPG0.70.710.7VFR flight with AR and Christina (andre's friend) around St Pete - Great takeoff from SPG with perfect short-field landing, 1500 ft or less
2007-04-01 2007-04-01N1336C (SR22)SPG-LRO2. in the evening to LRO from the IRL race at St Pete - 10k tailwind back homeN1336C (SR22)KSPG-KLRO2. in the evening to LRO from the IRL race at St Pete - 10k tailwind back home
2007-04-08 2007-04-08N1336C (SR22)LRO-LRO1.01.01Gami lean test for 1336C with Dave Olund around Charleston areaN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KLRO1.01.011.0Gami lean test for 1336C with Dave Olund around Charleston area
2007-04-14 2007-04-14N1336C (SR22)LRO-CEU-LRO2. to Clemson to get Ray in light-moderate IFR conditions, Visual approaches into both portsN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCEU-KLRO2. to Clemson to get Ray in light-moderate IFR conditions, Visual approaches into both ports
2007-04-19 2007-04-19N369GG (SR22)LRO-KLAL2. & Fun - IFR to the lakeland area to go to S&F with AR, JK, JR in Jimmys plane - Jimmy handled most chores enroute before we switched to go into Lakeland - Amazing and fun day getting into port via Lake Parker arrival procedures - Lake Parker has tons of planes circling as we entered the hold - seperation was a little as 300 yards - Landed on the taxiway ornage dot - Procedure was fairly easy and loads of fun - Spent afternnon watching airshow and going to all vendors AC before leaving in the afternoon - Departure ws just as interesting as no voice communication is usedN369GG (SR22)KLRO-KLAL2. & Fun - IFR to the lakeland area to go to S&F with AR, JK, JR in Jimmys plane - Jimmy handled most chores enroute before we switched to go into Lakeland - Amazing and fun day getting into port via Lake Parker arrival procedures - Lake Parker has tons of planes circling as we entered the hold - seperation was a little as 300 yards - Landed on the taxiway ornage dot - Procedure was fairly easy and loads of fun - Spent afternnon watching airshow and going to all vendors AC before leaving in the afternoon - Departure ws just as interesting as no voice communication is used
2007-04-19 2007-04-19N369GG (SR22)KLAL- KORL0.50.51VFR after leaving S&F to go to Orlando for the night - Ate at CG and then to bed at HiltonN369GG (SR22)KLAL-KORL0.50.510.549.4VFR after leaving S&F to go to Orlando for the night - Ate at CG and then to bed at Hilton
2007-04-20 2007-04-20N369GG (SR22)KORL-KLRO2.12.02.11IFR back to LRO from S&F and overnight in Orlando - Some minor IMC on the way back to Charleston area - Worked with Jimmy on engine and system settings - Landed right seat at LRO as JR was not yet comfortableN369GG (SR22)KORL-KLRO2. back to LRO from S&F and overnight in Orlando - Some minor IMC on the way back to Charleston area - Worked with Jimmy on engine and system settings - Landed right seat at LRO as JR was not yet comfortable
2007-04-21 2007-04-21N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KPIM-KLRO3.53.53.52IFR in VFR conditions to Pine Mountain Georgia for COPA lunch bunch - Lunch was lame, but Skeet shooting was a blast at the Gun Club - Easy VFR ride back to LRON1336C (SR22)KLRO-KPIM-KLRO3.53.53.523.5514.9IFR in VFR conditions to Pine Mountain Georgia for COPA lunch bunch - Lunch was lame, but Skeet shooting was a blast at the Gun Club - Easy VFR ride back to LRO
2007-04-27 2007-04-27N932CD (SR20)KLRO-27K3. flight with IFR conditions to take Teddy to Georgetown area - Mostly IMC over Appilachians to LEX area - Mike Nutter took 369GG with other family members and we then flew 369GG back to LRO afterwards - Actually missed 27K in VFR conditions - Perfect landingN932CD (SR20)KLRO-27K3. flight with IFR conditions to take Teddy to Georgetown area - Mostly IMC over Appilachians to LEX area - Mike Nutter took 369GG with other family members and we then flew 369GG back to LRO afterwards - Actually missed 27K in VFR conditions - Perfect landing
2007-04-29 2007-04-29N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO5.35.35.32IFR in VFR conditions to get Ray and Jessica in Ft. Walton Beach - Brad and Mike Nutter werre using other two aircraft to get Teddy in Kentucky - Close call in mid flight with VFR traffic - Quick turnaround in Destin back to LRO - PFD display is failingN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO5.35.35.325.3747.2IFR in VFR conditions to get Ray and Jessica in Ft. Walton Beach - Brad and Mike Nutter werre using other two aircraft to get Teddy in Kentucky - Close call in mid flight with VFR traffic - Quick turnaround in Destin back to LRO - PFD display is failing
2007-05-02 2007-05-02N369GG (SR22)KLRO-KLZU-KLRO3. flight to take Jimmy and Missy to Gwinett for concert since Jimmy is not checked out yet - Some IMC conditions at 8000 feet with some light chop - Visual approaches at LZU and LRO -N369GG (SR22)KLRO-KLZU-KLRO3. flight to take Jimmy and Missy to Gwinett for concert since Jimmy is not checked out yet - Some IMC conditions at 8000 feet with some light chop - Visual approaches at LZU and LRO -
2007-05-04 2007-05-04N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KACY3. flight to AC with JK and Joe Houtouri for Hockey Tourni and Gambling - IFR conditions to Norfolk area - PFD went down on the trip out of LRO, but backup instuments were good practice - still used some PFD fuctions - Visual approach into ACY -N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KACY3. flight to AC with JK and Joe Houtouri for Hockey Tourni and Gambling - IFR conditions to Norfolk area - PFD went down on the trip out of LRO, but backup instuments were good practice - still used some PFD fuctions - Visual approach into ACY -
2007-05-06 2007-05-06N1336C (SR22)KACY-KLRO2. back to LRO from AC - PFD problems persisted, but mostly VFR conditions made it possible to fly back - 40 knot tailwinds during crusie, strong winds during takeoff at ACY, 30 knots - Visual appr to LRO rwy 35N1336C (SR22)KACY-KLRO2. back to LRO from AC - PFD problems persisted, but mostly VFR conditions made it possible to fly back - 40 knot tailwinds during crusie, strong winds during takeoff at ACY, 30 knots - Visual appr to LRO rwy 35
2007-05-12 2007-05-12N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KLRO1.01.02VFR to CHS on the 10th and back on the 12th for PFD replacementN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KLRO1. to CHS on the 10th and back on the 12th for PFD replacement
2007-05-24 2007-05-24N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KLRO0.80.82VFR back to CHS for alternator replacement on the 18th?, back to LRO on the 24th, fixed - SC also fixed headset jack in consoleN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCHS-KLRO0.80.820.826.0VFR back to CHS for alternator replacement on the 18th?, back to LRO on the 24th, fixed - SC also fixed headset jack in console
2007-05-30 2007-05-30N932CD (SR20)KLRO-KCHS0.40.41VFR to CHS for annual drop-off - Landing rwy 21, spot onN932CD (SR20)KLRO-KCHS0.40.410.413.0VFR to CHS for annual drop-off - Landing rwy 21, spot on
2007-05-31 2007-05-31N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KRYY-KLRO4. in mostly VFR conditions with Ray and Ernie to RYY - Dropped off at Northside and came back to LRO - IFR GPS runway 9 appr into RYY due to smoke from wildfires - Did a hold at WANDO intersection on the way back for currency, went well - Visual into 17 at LRON1336C (SR22)KLRO-KRYY-KLRO4. in mostly VFR conditions with Ray and Ernie to RYY - Dropped off at Northside and came back to LRO - IFR GPS runway 9 appr into RYY due to smoke from wildfires - Did a hold at WANDO intersection on the way back for currency, went well - Visual into 17 at LRO
2007-06-16 2007-06-16N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCLT-KLRO2. to pick up Brad in Charlotte at night - GPS approach to rwy 23 at CLT - Visual approach to LRO rwy 17 on way back - Brad provided some dual instrruction on the way backN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCLT-KLRO2. to pick up Brad in Charlotte at night - GPS approach to rwy 23 at CLT - Visual approach to LRO rwy 17 on way back - Brad provided some dual instrruction on the way back
2007-06-25 2007-06-25N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDXR4. night to Danbury with Andre and the Boys for drop-off at Dad K - We left LRO at 6:30pm and flew V1 most of the way - Took time to get routing to fly the Hudson Corridor, but we finally did the cooridor at 1000ft AGL slow flight, hazy night but still great - Smooth flight - Stayed overenight at a suite with boys - Night Landing at DXR rwy 26, beware of towersN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDXR4. night to Danbury with Andre and the Boys for drop-off at Dad K - We left LRO at 6:30pm and flew V1 most of the way - Took time to get routing to fly the Hudson Corridor, but we finally did the cooridor at 1000ft AGL slow flight, hazy night but still great - Smooth flight - Stayed overenight at a suite with boys - Night Landing at DXR rwy 26, beware of towers
2007-06-26 2007-06-26N1336C (SR22)KDXR-KGON0. at night to Groton after playing golf with Erik from CNET at Centennial - Golf went well, Andre walked the City - We left to Groton late around 10:30pm VFR to stay at Mohegan Sun, Great room - We had to wait for an hour for Taxi at Groton, rent nextime - Flying into Groton that night was hazy especially over the LI sound - Landed ILS appraoch rwy 5N1336C (SR22)KDXR-KGON0. at night to Groton after playing golf with Erik from CNET at Centennial - Golf went well, Andre walked the City - We left to Groton late around 10:30pm VFR to stay at Mohegan Sun, Great room - We had to wait for an hour for Taxi at Groton, rent nextime - Flying into Groton that night was hazy especially over the LI sound - Landed ILS appraoch rwy 5
2007-06-27 2007-06-27N1336C (SR22)KGON-KBKL4. to Chicago, but didnt make it due to T-storms - Landed in Cleveland at Burke Lakefront after circumventing storms by flying north towards Lake Placid then along the great lakes - ATC suggested on numerous occassions near NY, CT border to divert and land, but Nexrad showed very little happening in upstate NY, so Andre and I proceeded - Most of the flight was VMC and we were glad to go around except that iut took a lot of time - Going to Duluth for M5 - Visuall appr in KBKL, stayed overnightN1336C (SR22)KGON-KBKL4. to Chicago, but didnt make it due to T-storms - Landed in Cleveland at Burke Lakefront after circumventing storms by flying north towards Lake Placid then along the great lakes - ATC suggested on numerous occassions near NY, CT border to divert and land, but Nexrad showed very little happening in upstate NY, so Andre and I proceeded - Most of the flight was VMC and we were glad to go around except that iut took a lot of time - Going to Duluth for M5 - Visuall appr in KBKL, stayed overnight
2007-06-28 2007-06-28N1336C (SR22)KBKL-KDLH4. direct to DLH from Cleveland over the lakes at 8k - VMC conditions prevailed so we decided to go direct over lakes - Smooth flight - Landed in Duluth around 1pm for M5 and Jet unveiling - Good day and great weather in Duluth - Visual approch to rwy 3N1336C (SR22)KBKL-KDLH4. direct to DLH from Cleveland over the lakes at 8k - VMC conditions prevailed so we decided to go direct over lakes - Smooth flight - Landed in Duluth around 1pm for M5 and Jet unveiling - Good day and great weather in Duluth - Visual approch to rwy 3
2007-06-30 2007-06-30N1336C (SR22)KDLH-KHTS3. in VMC conditions to go back home after M5 - Saw Jet again and we left DLH around 4:30pm or so - Andre and I had it made non-stop to LRO, but food poisoning made me stop at KHTS - Cruise altitude was 13k feet with 30 knot tailwinds - Bad evening at KHTS as I puked most of the night - Stayed overnight to recooperate - Night landing at KHTS, VMCN1336C (SR22)KDLH-KHTS3. in VMC conditions to go back home after M5 - Saw Jet again and we left DLH around 4:30pm or so - Andre and I had it made non-stop to LRO, but food poisoning made me stop at KHTS - Cruise altitude was 13k feet with 30 knot tailwinds - Bad evening at KHTS as I puked most of the night - Stayed overnight to recooperate - Night landing at KHTS, VMC
2007-07-01 2007-07-01N1336C (SR22)KHTS-KLRO2.22.22.211VFR flight back to LRO after night in WV - Worked with Andre on system, smooth flight, plane running great - IFR GPS 17 approach to LRO in MVFR conditions, Circle to land rwy 35, short approachN1336C (SR22)KHTS-KLRO2.22.22.2112.2355.5VFR flight back to LRO after night in WV - Worked with Andre on system, smooth flight, plane running great - IFR GPS 17 approach to LRO in MVFR conditions, Circle to land rwy 35, short approach
2007-07-08 2007-07-08N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KBED-KHPN5. with Ray and friend to Boston area for conference, then to HPN to pick up boys - IFR to KBED at 10k and vectors around small conveection areas - Landed ILS rwy 11 with high ceilings - IFR back to HPN with hold over Bridgeport from HPN Groundstop, rapid fire communications - Visual approach to runway 34 at HPN with 20+ waiting departuresN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KBED-KHPN5. with Ray and friend to Boston area for conference, then to HPN to pick up boys - IFR to KBED at 10k and vectors around small conveection areas - Landed ILS rwy 11 with high ceilings - IFR back to HPN with hold over Bridgeport from HPN Groundstop, rapid fire communications - Visual approach to runway 34 at HPN with 20+ waiting departures
2007-07-09 2007-07-09N1336C (SR22)KHPN-KLRO4. back to LRO with boys - JFK then V1 most of the way back - Had to avoid storms around LRO - Landed Visual 35 at LRO with 6 knot tailwind as T-storm was over north end of the field - Landed a bit longer and faster, but no issueN1336C (SR22)KHPN-KLRO4. back to LRO with boys - JFK then V1 most of the way back - Had to avoid storms around LRO - Landed Visual 35 at LRO with 6 knot tailwind as T-storm was over north end of the field - Landed a bit longer and faster, but no issue
2007-07-15 2007-07-15N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCRE-KLRO1. to Grand Strand with Tyler and Corey for MagiQuest - MVFR in the LRO area then VFR at CRE - Flew back in the evening after visit with Nana and Pop-up at new house and babies - Low pass near ships in Ocean and landing at rwy17 at LRON1336C (SR22)KLRO-KCRE-KLRO1. to Grand Strand with Tyler and Corey for MagiQuest - MVFR in the LRO area then VFR at CRE - Flew back in the evening after visit with Nana and Pop-up at new house and babies - Low pass near ships in Ocean and landing at rwy17 at LRO
2007-07-26 2007-07-26N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO4. in VFR conditions to DTS with Ernie and Lawsey, back to LRO, boring flight both ways - Visual approaches both waysN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO4. in VFR conditions to DTS with Ernie and Lawsey, back to LRO, boring flight both ways - Visual approaches both ways
2007-07-27 2007-07-27N1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO4. in mostly VFR conditions to get ernie and Lawsey - Smooth boring flight both ways again - Visuall approachesN1336C (SR22)KLRO-KDTS-KLRO4. in mostly VFR conditions to get ernie and Lawsey - Smooth boring flight both ways again - Visuall approaches
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Dual G.XCActual
HoodNight L.Day L.
App'sP2PDist (NM)
Max W. (NM)GallonsSpeed (kts)