Viewing the logbook of: openiduser504
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Overall Totals: 322.7284.875.052.8150.70.04.320.43454600.00.014523.6
2009-05-01 2009-05-01N33139 (PA28-151)RDD-RBL1.41.41Diverted due to severe weather while enroute to Columbia. Turned around near Manton/Digger Butte. Dodged extensive low level clouds.N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KRDD-KRBL1.41.4121.6Diverted due to severe weather while enroute to Columbia. Turned around near Manton/Digger Butte. Dodged extensive low level clouds.
2009-05-02 2009-05-02N33139 (PA28-151)RBL-RDD0.30.2120-25kt tailwind, short hop at low altitude. Wide turns!N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KRBL-KRDD0.30.2121.620-25kt tailwind, short hop at low altitude. Wide turns!
2009-05-02 2009-05-02N33139 (PA28-151)RDD-LMT1. ceilings, 20kts gusting 28. Pilotage, navigated around storms. Avoided mountain wave, experienced moderate turbulence.N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KRDD-KLMT1. ceilings, 20kts gusting 28. Pilotage, navigated around storms. Avoided mountain wave, experienced moderate turbulence.
2009-05-02 2009-05-02N33139 (PA28-151)LMT-LMT1.41.01Attempted LMT->77S, turned back near Crater Lake. Pilotage, moderate turbulence, avoided icing.N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KLMT-KLMT1.41.01Attempted LMT->77S, turned back near Crater Lake. Pilotage, moderate turbulence, avoided icing.
2009-05-09 2009-05-09N33139 (PA28-151)LMT-77S1. plane from KFalls after getting a ride in an RV-6 w/ Bob Severns. Beautiful day! Pilotage, GPSN33139 (PA28-151)N33139KLMT-77S1. plane from KFalls after getting a ride in an RV-6 w/ Bob Severns. Beautiful day! Pilotage, GPS
2009-05-21 2009-05-21N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77s0.70.71Flying with RobN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.70.71Flying with Rob
2009-06-10 2009-06-10N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77s0.50.52Touch & goesN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.50.52Touch & goes
2009-07-01 2009-07-01N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77s0.50.55Touch and goes, steep slipN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.50.55Touch and goes, steep slip
2009-07-06 2009-07-06N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77s1.21.212 chinese pax, pilotage, checked out lakes.N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S1.21.212 chinese pax, pilotage, checked out lakes.
2009-07-10 2009-07-10N33139 (PA28-151)77S-Hio-bfi-W16-s43-Awo3.83.83.85Weather avoidance, diversion, puget sound tour, go around at firstair, first time flying Arlington approachN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-KHIO-KBFI-W16-S43-KAWO3.83.83.85263.6Weather avoidance, diversion, puget sound tour, go around at firstair, first time flying Arlington approach
2009-07-11 2009-07-11N33139 (PA28-151)AWO-S43-awo2.22.22Harvey for breakfast, then air tour followed by Arlington approach.N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KAWO-S43-KAWO2.22.2230.7Harvey for breakfast, then air tour followed by Arlington approach.
2009-07-11 2009-07-11N33139 (PA28-151)AWO-S43-77s2. departure, touring PNW, drop off mom & MarcusN33139 (PA28-151)N33139KAWO-S43-77S2. departure, touring PNW, drop off mom & Marcus
2009-07-18 2009-07-18N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77S0.50.51Alex & Mel for a ride over Cottage GroveN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.50.51Alex & Mel for a ride over Cottage Grove
2009-09-10 2009-09-10N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s2.02.06Post annual checkout and currencyN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S2.02.06Post annual checkout and currency
2009-09-12 2009-09-12N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s2.92.915Young Eagles! Jeff's Grumman crash, thank goodness he's ok.N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S2.92.915Young Eagles! Jeff's Grumman crash, thank goodness he's ok.
2010-02-22 2010-02-22N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s0.60.62First flight in a while.N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.60.62First flight in a while.
2010-03-24 2010-03-24N33139 (PA28-151)77s-s45-77s2. for lunchN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-S45-77S2. for lunch
2010-05-07 2010-05-07N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s0.60.63t&gs, steep turns, stallsN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.60.63t&gs, steep turns, stalls
2010-07-05 2010-07-05N33139 (PA28-151)77s-eug-77s2.02.04Flying with Marcus and AlexN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-KEUG-77S2.02.0429.3Flying with Marcus and Alex
2010-07-08 2010-07-08N33139 (PA28-151)77s-s43-awo2.82.82.8N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-S43-KAWO2.82.82.8257.4
2010-07-09 2010-07-09N33139 (PA28-151)awo-pae-awo1.01.02Flew to Paine Field for Boeing factory tour. Flew with 787!N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KAWO-KPAE-KAWO1.01.0232.1Flew to Paine Field for Boeing factory tour. Flew with 787!
2010-07-10 2010-07-10N33139 (PA28-151)Kpae-ksle-77s2. to home! Formation flight with Michael, stopped in Salem for breakfast and rough engine that turned out to be open primer. N33139 (PA28-151)N33139KPAE-KSLE-77S2. to home! Formation flight with Michael, stopped in Salem for breakfast and rough engine that turned out to be open primer.
2010-09-10 2010-09-10N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77S1.21.251Practice landings, stallsN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S1.21.251Practice landings, stalls
2010-09-11 2010-09-11N33139 (PA28-151)77S-77S3.13.112Young Eagles!N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S3.13.112Young Eagles!
2011-07-31 2011-07-31N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s1.[Flight Review] BFR flight w Paul P. Stalls, slow flight d&c, short field landing, short & soft takeoff, simulated engine out.N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S1.[Flight Review] BFR flight w Paul P. Stalls, slow flight d&c, short field landing, short & soft takeoff, simulated engine out.
2011-08-02 2011-08-02N33139 (PA28-151)77s-77s0.40.40.43Landing practice in patternN33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-77S0.40.40.43Landing practice in pattern
2011-08-05 2011-08-05N33139 (PA28-151)77s-ko46-0283.23.23.22Long XC to Laytonville, CA at 39.665016/-123.479563. Turbulence over mountains, 10 minutes ontop when crossing pass near Ashland. Stopped in Weed to stretch our legs, then direct to destination.N33139 (PA28-151)N3313977S-O46-O283.23.23.22278.3Long XC to Laytonville, CA at 39.665016/-123.479563. Turbulence over mountains, 10 minutes ontop when crossing pass near Ashland. Stopped in Weed to stretch our legs, then direct to destination.
2011-08-07 2011-08-07N33139 (PA28-151)o28-046-77s3.33.33.32Short field takeoff (1900ft at 2000ft on a sunny day) out of Layonville, alternator failure, charged battery in Weed for starter & radio.N33139 (PA28-151)N33139O28-O46-77S3.33.33.32278.3Short field takeoff (1900ft at 2000ft on a sunny day) out of Layonville, alternator failure, charged battery in Weed for starter & radio.
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