Viewing the logbook of: FlyingxBrian
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DatePlaneReg.RouteTotalTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiMulti PICSingleSingle PICComplexHPTailDist (NM)61 XCATP XCPersonInstructorRemarks
Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 782.6782.60.0696.10.021.2284.3418.6117.717.678.651.667910114108.079.7674.6616.4163.115.61.418932.3123.1123.1
06-11-13 2013-06-11N5318E (C-172)KRDU-KRDU0.90.90.91Lauren ChristianTakeoff, slow flight, steep turns, intro to stalls.N5318E (C-172)N5318EKRDU-KRDU0. ChristianTakeoff, slow flight, steep turns, intro to stalls.
06-11-13 2013-06-11N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KLHZ-KRDU1. CoxDA-40 Check out flight ILS 23R RDUN970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KLHZ-KRDU1. CoxKevin CoxDA-40 Check out flight ILS 23R RDU
06-11-13 2013-06-11N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.11.11.11Trey HuntDiscovery Flight - Takeoff, straight and level, climbs and descents. G1000N970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KRDU1. HuntDiscovery Flight - Takeoff, straight and level, climbs and descents. G1000
06-13-13 2013-06-13N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KHBI-KRDU1. ThompsonGPS21 HBI ILS23R RDUN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KHBI-KRDU1. ThompsonGPS21 HBI ILS23R RDU
06-14-13 2013-06-14N5318E (C-172)KRDU-KRDU1.41.41.41Lauren ChristianDemoed xwind takeoff and landing. power on and power off stalls.N5318E (C-172)N5318EKRDU-KRDU1. ChristianDemoed xwind takeoff and landing. power on and power off stalls.
06-17-13 2013-06-17N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTTA-KRDU1.81.81.86Lauren ChristianNormal takeoff and landingsN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTTA-KRDU1. ChristianNormal takeoff and landings
06-17-13 2013-06-17N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.0Christopher ThompsonVOR 23L RDU ILS 23L RDU GPS 32 RDU circle 23LN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU1. ThompsonVOR 23L RDU ILS 23L RDU GPS 32 RDU circle 23L
06-19-13 2013-06-19N756WB (C-182RG)KRDU-KCTZ-KJNX-KRDU2. HTKevin Cox[IPC][Flight Review] VOR-DME A CTZ ILS 3 JNX ILS 5R RDUN756WB (C-182RG)N756WBKRDU-KCTZ-KJNX-KRDU2. HT2. CoxKevin Cox[IPC][Flight Review] VOR-DME A CTZ ILS 3 JNX ILS 5R RDU
06-19-13 2013-06-19EliteLevel3FTD (3FTD)1.01Kevin CoxILS 23L RDU HoldEliteLevel3FTD (3FTD)EliteLevel3FTD(0.0)1.01Kevin CoxILS 23L RDU Hold
06-21-13 2013-06-21N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KJNX-KRDU1.61.61.62Lauren ChristianInstrument Scan, Slow Flight, Normal and x/wind landingsN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KJNX-KRDU1. ChristianInstrument Scan, Slow Flight, Normal and x/wind landings
06-24-13 2013-06-24N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU1.31.31.3Lauren ChristianSlow Flight, steep turns, normal landing, emergency descent and landing.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. ChristianSlow Flight, steep turns, normal landing, emergency descent and landing.
06-25-13 2013-06-25N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU1.31.31.31Lauren ChristianStalls- power on and off, demo-ed accelerated, cross controlled, elevator trim stall.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. ChristianStalls- power on and off, demo-ed accelerated, cross controlled, elevator trim stall.
06-25-13 2013-06-25N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KPGV-KRDU2. ThompsonX/C to PGV, GPS 26 PGV, GPS 23 LHZ, ILS 23L RDU. Major stormsN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KPGV-KRDU2. ThompsonX/C to PGV, GPS 26 PGV, GPS 23 LHZ, ILS 23L RDU. Major storms
06-25-13 2013-06-25N5318E (C-172)KRDU-KRDU1.71.71.71Joe AsplandFirst Instrument flight, IFR straight and level, turns, climbs, descents, steep turns, slow flight. Demo-ed ILSN5318E (C-172)N5318EKRDU-KRDU1. AsplandFirst Instrument flight, IFR straight and level, turns, climbs, descents, steep turns, slow flight. Demo-ed ILS
06-26-13 2013-06-26N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRCZ-KRDU2. ThompsonGPS 32 RCZ GPS 32 Circle 23L RDUN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRCZ-KRDU2. ThompsonGPS 32 RCZ GPS 32 Circle 23L RDU
06-28-13 2013-06-28N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU2.12.12.1Christopher ThompsonGPS 23 LHZ VOR 23L RDU 3 HoldsN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU2. ThompsonGPS 23 LHZ VOR 23L RDU 3 Holds
07-05-13 2013-07-05N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.011 TJohn McCoyGroupon- Intro flight, straight and level, turns, climbs descents. ILS 23L RDUN970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KRDU1. T1.01.0John McCoyGroupon- Intro flight, straight and level, turns, climbs descents. ILS 23L RDU
07-06-13 2013-07-06N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU1.21.21.21Lauren ChristianNormal and Crosswind LandingsN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTDF-KRDU1. ChristianNormal and Crosswind Landings
07-08-13 2013-07-08N15246 (PA-28A)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU2.12.12.1Rudy RehquateIPC issued, GPS 24 TDF LOC 6 TDF (Partial Panel) GPS 32 RDU Unusual attitudesN15246 (PA-28A)N15246KRDU-KTDF-KRDU2. RehquateIPC issued, GPS 24 TDF LOC 6 TDF (Partial Panel) GPS 32 RDU Unusual attitudes
07-09-13 2013-07-09N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRIC-KLYH-KRDU3. ThompsonVOR 16 RIC GPS22 LYH ILS 23L RDUN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRIC-KLYH-KRDU3. ThompsonVOR 16 RIC GPS22 LYH ILS 23L RDU
07-10-13 2013-07-10N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1. HTChristopher ThompsonGPS32L RDU N692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU1. HT1.31.3Christopher ThompsonGPS32L RDU
07-12-13 2013-07-12N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1. TChristopher ThompsonILS 23L RDUN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU1. T1.11.1Christopher ThompsonILS 23L RDU
07-15-13 2013-07-15N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU KBUY KRDU1. ThompsonVOR-DME-A BUY ILS 5R RDU GPS 32 RDUN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KBUY-KRDU1. ThompsonVOR-DME-A BUY ILS 5R RDU GPS 32 RDU
07-17-13 2013-07-17N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.71.71.7Christopher ThompsonGPS 32 RDU ILS 5L RDU DME arcsN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU1. ThompsonGPS 32 RDU ILS 5L RDU DME arcs
07-19-13 2013-07-19N692CJ (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1. TChristopher ThompsonGPS 24 TDF GPS 32 RDU DME arcsN692CJ (DA-40)N692CJKRDU-KRDU1. T1.51.5Christopher ThompsonGPS 24 TDF GPS 32 RDU DME arcs
07-20-13 2013-07-20N5318E (C-172)KRDU-KRDU1. TJoe AsplandILS 23L RDU* VOR 23L RDU LOC 23L RDUN5318E (C-172)N5318EKRDU-KRDU1. T1.41.4Joe AsplandILS 23L RDU* VOR 23L RDU LOC 23L RDU
07-22-13 2013-07-22N6337V (C-172RG)KRDU-KRDU1. HTKevin CoxGPS 32 RDU Hold at NOSIC Checkout in 172RGN6337V (C-172RG)N6337VKRDU-KRDU1. HT1.01.01.0Kevin CoxKevin CoxGPS 32 RDU Hold at NOSIC Checkout in 172RG
07-22-13 2013-07-22N956CT (DA-20)KRDU KTTA KRDU1.61.61.61Lauren ChristianXwind landings Ground Ref. Man.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTTA-KRDU1. ChristianXwind landings Ground Ref. Man.
07-26-13 2013-07-26N956CT (DA-20)KRDU KTTA KRDU1.71.71.7Lauren Christian6 Landings TTAN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTTA-KRDU1. Christian6 Landings TTA
07-27-13 2013-07-27N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01Nathan HolderGroupon - Preflight, takeoff, straight and level, turns, climbs, descentsN970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KRDU1. HolderGroupon - Preflight, takeoff, straight and level, turns, climbs, descents
07-29-13 2013-07-29N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU1.81.81.8Lauren ChristianGround Ref. 2 landings, steep turns.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTDF-KRDU1. ChristianGround Ref. 2 landings, steep turns.
07-29-13 2013-07-29N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU1.31.31.32Nathan HolderGroupon part 2, preflight, demoed landing, straight and level, turns, steep turns.N970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KTDF-KRDU1. HolderGroupon part 2, preflight, demoed landing, straight and level, turns, steep turns.
07-30-13 2013-07-30N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU2.12.12.11Lauren ChristianGround ref, traffic patterns, stalls, steep turns, slow flight.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTDF-KRDU2. ChristianGround ref, traffic patterns, stalls, steep turns, slow flight.
08-02-13 2013-08-02N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU1.61.61.61Lauren ChristianGround ref, stalls, steep turns, slow flightN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. ChristianGround ref, stalls, steep turns, slow flight
08-05-13 2013-08-05N2102E (C-172N)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01AshkoyGroupon, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs, descents.N2102E (C-172N)N2102EKRDU-KRDU1., preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs, descents.
08-06-13 2013-08-06N6337V (C-172RG)KRDU KPGV KRDU2. Coxx/c for mx to pgvN6337V (C-172RG)N6337VKRDU-KPGV-KRDU2. Coxx/c for mx to pgv
08-07-13 2013-08-07N956CT (DA-20)KRDU KRDU1.01.01.01PeteIntro flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.
08-08-13 2013-08-08N6337V (C-172RG)KRDU-KRDU0.70.70.71DavidPreflight, turns, climbs, descentsN6337V (C-172RG)N6337VKRDU-KRDU0., turns, climbs, descents
08-10-13 2013-08-10N2102E (C-172N)KRDU-KRDU0. TRonald MillerStraight and level, turns, climbs descents. ILS 23L RDUN2102E (C-172N)N2102EKRDU-KRDU0. T0.70.7Ronald MillerStraight and level, turns, climbs descents. ILS 23L RDU
08-11-13 2013-08-11N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTTA-KRDU1.71.71.71Lauren Christian6 Landings, steep turns, Great LandingsN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTTA-KRDU1. Christian6 Landings, steep turns, Great Landings
08-12-13 2013-08-12N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU0.60.60.61JasonIntro flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU0. flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.
08-12-13 2013-08-12N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU0.70.70.71R.J.Intro flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU0. flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.
08-12-13 2013-08-12N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTDF-KRDU1.51.51.51Lauren ChristianLandings, engine outs, stalls, steep turns.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTDF-KRDU1. ChristianLandings, engine outs, stalls, steep turns.
08-12-13 2013-08-12N7508Q (C-310Q)KRDU-KLHZ-KPGV-KRDU1. WaltersNight currencyN7508Q (C-310Q)N7508QKRDU-KLHZ-KPGV-KRDU1. WaltersNight currency
08-15-13 2013-08-15N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KTTA-KRDU1.31.31.34R.J.4 landings, takeoff, turns, climbs descents.N956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KTTA-KRDU1. landings, takeoff, turns, climbs descents.
08-16-13 2013-08-16N970DS (DA-40)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01Bryce G.Intro Flight and Orientation BriefingN970DS (DA-40)N970DSKRDU-KRDU1. G.Intro Flight and Orientation Briefing
08-22-13 2013-08-22N2102E (C-172N)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01Robert CookDiscovery FlightN2102E (C-172N)N2102EKRDU-KRDU1. CookDiscovery Flight
08-23-13 2013-08-23N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01Sawyer Kelly2nd flight, preflight, takeoff, slow flight, stalls, turns, demoed landingN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. Kelly2nd flight, preflight, takeoff, slow flight, stalls, turns, demoed landing
08-23-13 2013-08-23N956CT (DA-20)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01Tom O'LaughlinManeuvers, ramp safetyN956CT (DA-20)N956CTKRDU-KRDU1. O'LaughlinManeuvers, ramp safety
08-23-13 2013-08-23N5318E (C-172)KRDU-KRDU1.01.01.01AbrahamIntro flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.N5318E (C-172)N5318EKRDU-KRDU1. flight, preflight, straight and level, turns, climbs and descents.
DatePlaneReg.RouteTotalTotalSimPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sMultiMulti PICSingleSingle PICComplexHPTailDist (NM)61 XCATP XCPersonInstructorRemarks
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