Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown an aircraft with this tailnumber | danielrowlands, GregoryWeseman, mfejfar, openiduser1469, richtrav506 |
Total hours logged in N14198 | 145.273333333 |
Total number of flights logged in N14198 | 81 |
Types N14198 has been registered to | 145, EMB145, EMB-145XR, EMB-145, EMB145XR |
Models N14198 has been registered to | Regional Jet, ERJ 145 XR, EMB-145, XRJ, ERJ-145 |