Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown an aircraft with this tailnumber | dahhcon2, DaveStratford, dlstratford, drod171, flyhigh770, JustinLopez0322, openiduser769, openiduser814, openiduser886, PIlotCEcilia, zkelley2, ZTonlinelog |
Total hours logged in N | 3258.3 |
Total number of flights logged in N | 635 |
Types N has been registered to | PA-28, RV-6, E170-175, C206, C-172, cl-65, 172P, PA44-180, C-182S, Baron, R44, PA28-181, BE-20, C182, PA-32, PA-44-180, CL-65-900, B-737, unkwn, CE-172, PA28-161, PA-44, B747, M20C, C152, Crj900, PA28R-201, C172, CL-65, PA28R, emb175, EMB-145, M20J, Frasca141, Frasca142 |
Models N has been registered to | BE-58, Archer, EJET, ARCHER, Saratoga, Sabb 340, Crj, Arrow, Seminole, R44, crj, Stationair, SEMINOLE, FU, Warrior, 400F, Skylane, Skyhawk |