Small Airport | Medium Airport | Large Airport | Off Airport | Heliport | Seaport | Balloon Port | Closed | Unknown |
Actual Instrument | Dual Given | PIC | SIC | Dual Received |
Users who have flown an aircraft with this tailnumber | ActionJackson, ArtHallenberg, calair, Chacar58, CJHealey, deckerg, ducker25, Flyboy05, Gabethepilot, goldswings, jonbenne, Joshuamh2, Kevinmahana, lakeflightinstruction, MattHerbert, miianwilson, mrfrench77, openiduser1256, openiduser169, openiduser26, openiduser463, openiduser772, openiduser778, p1l07m4n, pace5757, pilotman46, PilotMurrill, Preston_Chitty, Ramone, scliechty, sfoch, Shanebell15, sierradeltaromeo10, Soapskum, TrevorNelson, vincentf81, Wesballard, wesley25, Wyrmling |
Total hours logged in N103UV | 2101.9 |
Total number of flights logged in N103UV | 1239 |
Types N103UV has been registered to | DA-40-180, Da40, Da-40, DA40-180, DA-40, DA40, da40, DA40-G1000, DA40-40 |
Models N103UV has been registered to | DIAMOND STAR, DA40, Diamondstart, Star, Diamondstar, DIAMONDSTAR, Diamond Star, DiamondStar, 40, Diamond star |