Viewing the logbook of: calair
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Page Totals:
Overall Totals: 156.886.60.011.9166.
2009-09-09 2009-09-09N958CT (DA-20C1)KPVU-36U-PVU1.01.02Intro FlightN958CT (DA-20C1)KPVU-36U-KPVU1.01.0241.5Intro Flight
2010-01-06 2010-01-06N894CT (DA-20C1)PVU-PVU0.90.92Preflight prepproducers taxingto and landingsN894CT (DA-20C1)KPVU-KPVU0.90.92Preflight prepproducers taxingto and landings
2010-01-07 2010-01-07N958CT (DA-20C1)PVU1.21.23High Low drag ConfigTurnsN958CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.21.23High Low drag ConfigTurns
2010-01-12 2010-01-12N208NH (DA-20C1)PVU1.11.12Slow Flight Stalls entries and recoveryN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.11.12Slow Flight Stalls entries and recovery
2010-01-13 2010-01-13N958CT (DA-20C1)PVU1.01.00.42Basic Inst. manuvers power on and off stallsN958CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.01.00.42Basic Inst. manuvers power on and off stalls
2010-01-19 2010-01-19N879CT (DA-20C1)PVU1.41.43Normal to landing traffic patternN879CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.41.43Normal to landing traffic pattern
2010-01-21 2010-01-21N879CT (DA-20C1)pvu1.11.12Ground Ref man steep turnsN879CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.11.12Ground Ref man steep turns
2010-01-26 2010-01-26N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.31.30.52control by ref to inst.N208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.31.30.52control by ref to inst.
2010-01-28 2010-01-28N974CT (DA-20C1)pvu1.21.23Ground Ref man Unusual flight attN974CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.21.23Ground Ref man Unusual flight att
2010-02-02 2010-02-02N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.21.23power off and on stalls sim engine failN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.21.23power off and on stalls sim engine fail
2010-02-04 2010-02-04N980CT (DA-20C1)pvu1.01.05pattern work touch and go'sN980CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.01.05pattern work touch and go's
2010-02-09 2010-02-09N245NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.80.80.42Unusual Att slow flight stallsN245NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.80.80.42Unusual Att slow flight stalls
2010-02-11 2010-02-11N245NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.51.54stalls emergency landingsN245NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.51.54stalls emergency landings
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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