Viewing the logbook of: calair
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Overall Totals: 156.886.60.011.9166.
2010-02-16 2010-02-16N245NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.21.23xwind to and landing emergency proN245NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.21.23xwind to and landing emergency pro
2010-02-17 2010-02-17N220NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.01.03stage 1 to and ld stallsN220NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.01.03stage 1 to and ld stalls
2010-02-23 2010-02-23N885CT (DA-20C1)pvu1.11.16to and ldgsN885CT (DA-20C1)KPVU1.11.16to and ldgs
2010-02-24 2010-02-24N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.11.16traffic pattern xwind to and landingN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.11.16traffic pattern xwind to and landing
2010-02-26 2010-02-26N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.80.86go around wind shear traffic pattern slip to landN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.80.86go around wind shear traffic pattern slip to land
2010-03-02 2010-03-02N879CT (DA-20C1)pvu-36u-pvu1.11.14x country intoN879CT (DA-20C1)KPVU-36U-KPVU1.11.1441.5x country into
2010-03-09 2010-03-09N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.40.42xwind to and landN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.40.42xwind to and land
2010-03-16 2010-03-16N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.90.95pattern workN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.90.95pattern work
2010-03-24 2010-03-24N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu1.11.12xwind to and ldg emerg. opsN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU1.11.12xwind to and ldg emerg. ops
2010-03-29 2010-03-29N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.70.74solo prepN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.70.74solo prep
2010-03-29 2010-03-29N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu0.70.70.73first solo to and ldgN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU0.70.70.73first solo to and ldg
2010-04-06 2010-04-06N208NH (DA-20C1)pvu-u77-pvu1.21.20.22xwind to and ldg steep turns stalls unusual attN208NH (DA-20C1)KPVU-U77-KPVU1.21.20.2210.9xwind to and ldg steep turns stalls unusual att
2010-04-08 2010-04-08N885CT (DA-20C1)pvu-u77-pvu1.41.40.32to and ldg slow flight steep turns vor nav emger proN885CT (DA-20C1)KPVU-U77-KPVU1.41.40.3210.9to and ldg slow flight steep turns vor nav emger pro
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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