Viewing the logbook of: calair
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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Overall Totals: 156.886.60.011.9166.
2011-03-15 2011-03-15N104UV (DA-40-180)KVEL-U69-KPVU1. panel cross countryN104UV (DA-40-180)KVEL-U69-KPVU1. panel cross country
2011-03-17 2011-03-17Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.70.7flight director and auto pilot proMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.7)0.7flight director and auto pilot pro
2011-03-22 2011-03-22Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.90.9VOR,LOC, and ADF NAVMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.9)0.9VOR,LOC, and ADF NAV
2011-03-24 2011-03-24N103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. and LoC NAV DME mark fly by way pointsN103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. and LoC NAV DME mark fly by way points
2011-04-05 2011-04-05Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.90.9GPS NAV LOC tracking flyby DME markMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.9)0.9GPS NAV LOC tracking flyby DME mark
2011-04-11 2011-04-11Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.11.1VOR and GPS Navwith Part panel tracking LOCMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.1)1.1VOR and GPS Navwith Part panel tracking LOC
2011-04-12 2011-04-12N103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-U52-KCDC2. and GPS NAV x countryN103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-U52-KCDC2. and GPS NAV x country
2011-04-28 2011-04-28Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.90.9Auto Pilot Nav with climbs and descents emerg proMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.9)0.9Auto Pilot Nav with climbs and descents emerg pro
2011-05-03 2011-05-03N103UV (DA-40-180)KGJT-PVU2. panel Nav and auto pilotN103UV (DA-40-180)KGJT-KPVU2. panel Nav and auto pilot
2011-05-06 2011-05-06Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.21.2VOR Ops Nav; DME Mark part panelMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.2)1.2VOR Ops Nav; DME Mark part panel
2011-05-10 2011-05-10Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.21.2Stage 1 DME mark VOR Gps Nav emerg opsMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.2)1.2Stage 1 DME mark VOR Gps Nav emerg ops
2011-05-12 2011-05-12Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.80.8DME Emerg opsMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.8)0.8DME Emerg ops
2011-05-17 2011-05-17Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger0.60.6DME emg opsMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(0.6)0.6DME emg ops
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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