Viewing the logbook of: calair
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DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
Page Totals: 25.425.
Overall Totals: 156.886.60.011.9166.
2011-08-25 2011-08-25Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.71.7ODP GPS ILS APP and holdMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.7)1.7ODP GPS ILS APP and hold
2011-09-01 2011-09-01Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.01.0ODP Auto Pilot VOR app part panel Rnav appMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.0)1.0ODP Auto Pilot VOR app part panel Rnav app
2011-09-06 2011-09-06Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.41.4ODP ILS part panel RNAVMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.4)1.4ODP ILS part panel RNAV
2011-09-08 2011-09-08Mentor2 (DA-40)Provo Utah UVU Hanger1.31.3ODP ILS Part PanelMentor2 (DA-40)PROVO-UTAH-UVU-HANGER(1.3)1.3ODP ILS Part Panel
2011-09-29 2011-09-29N106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. Hold 2 ILS autopilot vorN106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. Hold 2 ILS autopilot vor
2011-09-30 2011-09-30N105UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPGA3. x country 3 app 61.65 D long xcountryN105UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPGA3. x country 3 app 61.65 D long xcountry
2011-09-30 2011-09-30N105UV (DA-40-180)KPGA-KPVU2. x counrtyN105UV (DA-40-180)KPGA-KPVU2. x counrty
2011-10-14 2011-10-14N103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KBOI3. X country app to Burley app to moutain home and boiseN103UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KBOI3. X country app to Burley app to moutain home and boise
2011-10-14 2011-10-14N103UV (DA-40-180)KBOI-KPDX4. x country app redmond and portlandN103UV (DA-40-180)KBOI-KPDX4. x country app redmond and portland
2011-10-15 2011-10-15N103UV (DA-40-180)KPDX-KMAN2. X country app to nampaN103UV (DA-40-180)KPDX-KMAN2. X country app to nampa
2011-10-15 2011-10-15N103UV (DA-40-180)KMAN-KPVU3. x country app to provoN103UV (DA-40-180)KMAN-KPVU3. x country app to provo
2011-10-21 2011-10-21N106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. un-att hold ILS vor autopilot pp rnavN106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KPVU1. un-att hold ILS vor autopilot pp rnav
2011-10-22 2011-10-22N106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KHND3. x-country app cedar city vector to final HNDN106UV (DA-40-180)KPVU-KHND3. x-country app cedar city vector to final HND
DatePlaneRouteTotalPICSICSoloDual R.Dual G.XCActualHoodNightNight L.Day L.App'sComplexHPDist (NM)PersonRemarks
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